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alive in it, Nil. Tra Vol. xlviii. TA1,

XVII. Fij. E, F, G, to thew you the nature of the
tubular ftruilure of the kerstopli:va.
I now lay before you a piece of red coral (So,
Tax. III. Fig. A.) boot the Lail Indica of a ery
fingular kind, which I recsivcd from veer friend
'Abraham Hume, E.f. Thc (leen and branches of
this appear evidently to the nakid eye to confill of a
combination of vermicular tubes clofely conneftind
together: and, if tve owe tittle little tubes to their
harry openings on the furface, Fig. 131 we thall
plainly dikover than to be the red tellaceom corers
ings uf certain marine polypes, which have railed
themfilves thus upright, and difpofed themfelves int*
thls remarkable vegetable form.'
Ire order to form Eine idea, how thefe mates are
incetafed and extended to the flees we often meet
with them, and where the fame regularity of thape
is refereed itt thc large, that we find in the fmall
we think it more than probable to luppole, that the
fpecies of polypi", that compote this coral, breed
as we find all other polypes dor and this appears
more evident to me, from what I have already dill
covered, in Many kinds of corallinee (See Platt .3g.
f my Bray Cesellimet), where the young polypes
in Come frisks ars produced in the egg Oath, while
others fall in great numbers from their matrices,
completely formed, down to the roots of their parent
corallinea, either to begin a neeirace of the fame
(pecks near them, or to thereafe the trunk:and ex
tend the ramifications, of the plant,leke figure which'.
they juft defteeiderl froth: -
From obferving this method in nature, we (hal
tIe-eaGcr account for the progrefs of thole goer.

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