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body and in wreathing themfelves thus they dole

and embrace the pivot mentioned below. None of

thek rrovrellee have any apparent orcning their
fobflance is compad, of thc fame nature with the
bladder or egg, that produces them.
Below the trunk and thighs the plant
pivot, of a like fubflanee with that of tC17dadIrra.
'This pivot, which is large at its origin, proceeding
thus frorn the trunk and thighs, forms fomething like
the knot of the fm-tree it defcends perpendicularly
to the trunk, diminifhing As it lengthens, and as it
grows round ; and then divides into a number of
incrinclia, branched and wreathed inwards fo firmly,
as not to be retraded ; of a coriaceous nature, black-
A, forming a bunch like what we call the Role
of Jericho. I cannot recoiled the name of this plant
or flower.
This bunch, or wreathed rofc, inclofes a heap of
gravel, as if petrified or hardened, and ends upon a
level with the bole of the egg, exadly as high as the
laB rank of maw/kr, whick wreath upon, embrace,
and fullain it, leaving always an empty fpace to kt
the ka-water pats in, which fhould fill the hits& of
;he egg or bladder, and even to let in little @hes and
I was furprifed to find in one little living murales,
m they always are attached to Come fohd body by
their beards. Now by what means could they mter
into this egg ? I conjeCtured, that they had their be-
ginning there, by the feminal matter of mufdes car-
ried in by the fm-water. I Ilk found fame final'
flar-fifh, whok rays might by about four or fire
lines long.

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