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[ 446

here I mad beg the favour of this Honourable So-

ciety, when they come more attentively to confider
this matter, to compare his anhver to tbe Abbe Ma-
rna's letter, and Ins reply to me, in this particular

I fhall only at prefent take notice, that Catefby

fays, this Tnicodendron, with the pear-fhaped fruit,
grows tdbally on rocks in Providence, Ilathera, and
other of the Bahama Wands ; and don not mention,
that he ever foe it in Carolina. I neon find it de-
frrind by any author as growing in Carolina, or in
any other part of the connivent of North America
nor do 1 believe that there is a plant of it now grow-
ing in England, or that it is even the fame genus
with Dillenius's rhomboidal-fruited one, from the
different Ibrahim both of its leaves as well as fruit.
In looking over Dr. Linneun Hare, aperient's,
1 find he gives this Bahama Toncodendron of Carel-
by s a fynonym to his Elemiftra phis pianetil,
P. 486.
I now ovine to that part of Mr. Miller's reply, fe..
lating to the China varnith-tree, that was raded from
feeds fent to the Royal Society by Father Dinar-
vilk ; where hc Rill inlifls on it, thy this is the
fame with the fpurious .2mA-tree of Ecempfer. His
=Ions are, that notwithflanding dve indentation and
roundnefs of thc bottom of the lobe-leaves of the
China varnifh-tree, and tho' the lobe-leaves of the
(puritan Japan varnifh-tree come to a point at the
bare, and are no-way indented, but quite even an
the edges ; yet he lays, becaufe they have an equal
number of toms, or lobe-leaves on the whole leaf
of each tme, they mai be the Gave.

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