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435 I

hands, from which I railed a gent entry of the

plane, which were dill:likened, and loose of them
tre now growing in the Chdfea garden.
And that dna throb grows naturally in Carolina,
I can hem no doebt, having received th feed f
moor them times from tim late Dr. Dale, who ga-
thered them in use woods of that country.
In my paper above-menticated I likewife olsferved,
that the feeds, which Isere feat so the Royal Sockty
by Father Dineen ilk, Ion thok of the true varnifh-
tolgilid not prom to be fo; but the plants, which
ma railed from them, mre taken to be referred to
the Mono= mmith-trm of Kcempler whkh I be-
lieved to be the fame, and own, that it is yet my
opiaion, nomithkanding what Mr. Ellis Ms kid to
Ihe contrary for the number of lobes or pima, on
each leaf, with their manner of arrangensem on the
midnIN we the Moe. And here we mull ohferve,
dm the figore of this given by Kirropfer is from a
foaming branch ; and every gardener or botanill
ale know, that the leaves, which are Gamed irn.
mediatedy below the glowers of moll winged-leaved
pima, ham fewer loto or pima, thm thok on the
tower branches: themfore I mak fuppok it to be the
cde dim plant and horn thence, with fome othtr
ablerntions which I made on the feeds, I have d-
ialed it to be the wild or (pinions 111116-trao of
isemmfer. Bot Mr. Ellis is of a connaq opinion,
Meade the bak of the 101.1 of thok plants, which
4en railed from Father D'Incarygle's feeds, are
4 Moiled sad indemed like two ems. In Dr. Kamp-
itt's Ego= and defetiption of the jakm-ki, the
rt Imes am intim and come to a poem d their bak.
KEEn Mere

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