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We may here obferve by the bye, dot the cline

crartii tumani, which thro' the influence of roper-
Ilition formerly obtained a place in the catalogues of
the mania Nairn, does not beloog to this divitioo of
the lichens. The writers of thole times diftinguithed
two kinds of ulnas humane, under the names of
reudorea and oillefii. Any of the cruflaccous lichens,
Iva more properly the common grey-blue pitted
lithermdri of Dillenius, was ufed for the former of
their ; and, as Dale tells in, was held in moft
eflecrn. The saiiirfa .wm a fps:rad the genus of
hypnuns. Indeed it dem not appear, that they were
in thofe days very curious in determining the road
kind ; and doubdefs any writ, which happened to
grow upon an human flooD. waa futficient fur the
purpofes defigned.

2. Lichcnes fruticulolt
Such a, eonf0 of a tough fleriMe Natter, formed
into MAIACIIIiMr, is fame fpeeits almefl flop/4
in other, ryiesehting fad! finch s in fame p1 tbe
fpeciet the branchee are quite Jolts!, in others

This order comprehends the third of Dillenius's

genus of caralkiders the whole elite/own of Hill ;
the fecond, and feveral fp«ies of the third order of
fiances lichens feveral (pixies of the fifth. and the
whole birth, order of 111i ; aod the lichens., filc-
her/a, of Linnams..
The plains of tho genus grow principally upon
the ground on heaths, &reds, and mountainous bar-
Yen. 50. 4 Q- ron

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