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which are prefently brought thither by the wfisfs,

loon cover t all over. Their corrupting, prefently
afford foil fufficknt to nourifh other fmaller mores,
which, in their turn, form one deep enough for
larger plants and trees and thus thc rock becomes a
fertile Aland (a ).

5. Lichenes foliacei fcuteflati.

Seth et anfall of wore leut and flexible wear,
farmed ante efoliecteat altpeorance, having ate
perYl'efradeficatian in the form gi feutellz.

Some of the plants of this divifion am interfperied

with the former in him of the fyliems of botanic
authors. In general this divifion contains the whole
fitft feries of the fecond order of Itchenaida in Dille-
nine the fish divilion of thc fecond Items, and the
latter part of the fecond divilion, of thc fame : it
comprehends the labrnes imbricate and umbilicata
of Linnmus t and many of the placadima of Hill.
The plants of this order are many of them nut
leis common in England than the foregoing, on
rocks, hones, old pales, trees, C3r. Some adhem
very elofely to what they grow upon, and hem to
be only foliaceous about the edges others adhere
but toddy, and are much expanded and divaricated,
fo as to form fomething like ramifications,
It was remarked, from Linnzus's obfervation, that
one of the crultaceous lichens was fcarcely ever found
growing but upon limeftone rocks. On the contrary,

hdraconom. Nam, al /ham. Acad. voL 1L


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