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daft. In -this Manch of botany car own country-

men Mr. Ray, Huddle, Dale, Doody, Petiver, and
Dr. Molitor., Sherard, Richardfon, and others, Mve
diftinguithed therofelves:- and unongil foreigners
M. Vaillam, Sig. Micheli, and the very eminent Dr.
Haller but. beyond all, the late learned and inde-
fatigable profeffor at Oxford, Dr. DiUenius, has here-
in made the moll ample diCcoveries and improve-
ments, of which his elaborate Maury will ever re-
main a Rending prooE
TM word hches Guars ia. ther Dia-
corides and May s aad tho' it may he doubtful,
there is neverthelefs good reafon to apprehend, that
Diofeorides meant to defcribe under that Kron the
very plant, or at MR one of the fame genus, to
which the commentators agreed as affix his defcrip-
tion. Since then the name Me ban varietal, ap-
plied by different authors r on which account it is
neceffary so prunife, that the &ben Am bepatira
Of. or livassrota of tbe atom dons not fig maim
this generkal team, as it is AVM formai laythe three
above-named authors. They comprehend under the
terns Lithen, wsd Dillenius under More of Ufrea,
Coralloides, and Lirknoider, the hairy tree-moft or
LAM of the amps ; the nrofen, pentortsrisu, /I-a-
long...on, or oak-lungs the &fur arse/frit rinernor,
or alb-coloured ground liverwort , the coralline-
moles s the cup-rooffis, horned moats the ortheA.
or Canary-weed r she neniird, Vaal., of Berate/int s
and e meaner& of others bawd upon trees, walls,
rocks, and Roues, is all pawn rtf the woad, sad in
many pees thereof in very great abundanee.
Cafpu Sealant in his Pi.; Nan baueine, ond

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