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[ 672.

'the powder to be taken for faveral days together. De.
Willie was particularly one of its patrons. He hos
given us ( t ) feveral forint for its exhibition, as that
of the powde; a deeoftion, and a fyrup from it, .

The prefent praftice has quite caplodetS; md

very pally perhaps, as in any degree fpecific in the
above diforder. Nevcrthelefs, it Roma to have fuRain-
ed that eherafter with as great a reputation, and per-
haps with .as good a title to it. as alenoR any of the
fmcifics of.that age. it har bom obfervod before, m
another nessfion, that thia tribe of maks have in
general an &florist property as fuch, the cup .
moires are conkquently . of a thengthening name
it is no wonder, therefor; that they &mild be help .
fill in this diforder, merely as eorroborants. That they
were deful in fome modurc van (earcely be doubted;
and our very eminent Dr. Dunham (I a), in treating
upon this obilinate complaint, Rents to allow this of
the cup-mofs in preference to other idle fperifics.
Happily for us, the Peruvian bark (applies a remedy
of infinitely more Me, where fuch analeptics are res.
Dr. Lifter, in fonic ingenious obfervations -of his,
printed in the Philofophical Tranfaftions (in, touch-
ing colours end dyes, obfcrvcs, that the fcarlet heads
of thafe mars, upon the affufion of lye, will ilrike
a purple which will Rand.

( I) W111. norm. Rational fed. l. rap. 6. de trffi ponarx.

OD De Acta et Mort cps:Ratko. p 76, 77. rot. L
D 3) Lowthorpst Abndgantne, vol. IL p 66o.

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