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" tent:ins femut immix differentia prmtenifa fuit atie,

tori." Hence we find how this error came to
(prod, and this Mfe fynonytn to he adopted by the
botanic writers, who copied after Dillenius.
This (hews IIS what little dependance we can have
upon the refills of that meeting, which Mr. Miller
mentions he had with his botanic friends ; where
fvorn the fimilitudt of leaves only, vvithout the parts
of frultificatioo, they determined thcfe too plants,
fo different in their growth, to be one and the farne
Mr. Miller remarks very jullly, that the leaves of
the fame nee often vary much in lhape, tuch as
Rade of the poplar, fallow, Cie.
But in anfwer to this, we may reafisnably fuppofe,
that Dr. Ktempfer, who was on the (pot, would not
Moore for his fpecimens leaves of the moR uncom-
mon forts that were on the tree, and negled the
moil common. This would be carrying the fup-
poltinn farther than can be allowed, milers we fup-
poie this author had not the underflanding even of
a common gardener ; for atherwife. I am perfuaded,
Sk Hans Sloane would not have thought Isis (peel-
ono worth purchafing.
For another fynanym to dm true Japan varnffle-
wee, as alfo to Ddlenius's pennatcd Toxicodendron
with rhomboidal fruit, Mr. Miller brings in (in his
onfwer to the Abbe Maaeas s letter) the Bahama
Toticodendrom Moir abh, Irrarra porparea pyirerrei
fpirrie of Catelby's Nat. HiR. vol. i. p. 4o. fo that he
would have all thcfc three different plants one and the
bane: and, in his reply to my letter, he Rill infillv on
is, that theft two Tosicodendrons are the fame But
5 hoc

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