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7' 3

Of old walls, and in moil of the unfrequented lanes:

alfo in Woodtlock-park in Orforfhire, and Up-park
in Hampthse. I have obferved X four or five )ears
lime on the edge of Charley-fond about Grace-
Dou, tette r.f&ke. It grows about North Lam-
b= in Rutland.


There have keen many fatal inflames of the nar-
cotic and deleterious edbthv of the berries of this
plam. They we upon record in Amon all botanical,
and many medMal authors. Children have unhappily
been the principal (offerers this way, bcing tempted
to eat by the enticing zips@ of the bares, or by
=flaking them for tome other fruit. The berries,
however, are ncs the only part of the plant, which
partake of thO intoxicating and poifonons property
the whole p)ant is endued with it, and that in no
=all degree.
If the Rella-donna is allowed to ht the
',sox., of Dioliorides thia quality of it was
not unknown to that Miter. It WU very foon known
to the full writers in the otedirol and botanic way
after the refit:swim of letters and they have not
failed to inform os of it.
Traps and Fuchfins, who wrote about the middle
uf the iixteenth century, both relate inflames of the
poifonous effoEts of tnefe berries : the former, of a
man, who went mad after having eaten of them ;

(9) MAI. Med. hb ie. rap. 69.

7 the

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