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Bodrus I Stark in his comment upon Theo-

phraftus 5), tells us of two youths, that eat two
or three of nide berries, which they got in the Ley-
dun garden, millaking them (or black currants f one
of them perilhed, and the other recovered with great
Simon Pouli relates two or three examples to the
fame Wepfer givus us a sircumflantial
account Of 1 child shout tell years old, who was
thrown into a great variety of convulfive fymptorns
after eating of this fruit f but proper care being taken
by vomiting, and afterwards giving alexipharmics and
anti-epiloptn medicine', he recovered
M. Boulduc (tS) laid before the Royal Academy
of Scinices at Paris, the cafe of form children, who,
upon eating thek berries, were kind with a vio-
lent fever, palpitations of the heart, convolfwns, and
loft their finks. One of them, a little boy of four
years old, dicd the nest morning.
Boethaave has inflames to the fame died Ct9 :
and it was thc misfortune of Dr. Abraham Mooting,
a noted botanifl and prefab: of phylic in the uni-
verfity of Groningen, to have his own daughter
poifoned with the berries of the Bella-donna.
It would be almoft endlefs to recite all the in-
flames to be met with upon this head. Thc Ger-
man Ephemerides, the Com mercium Literarium, and
other periodical works, futon us with farther proofs

I it) Pa, 5116,

lnIner; etlieme. BaSI. sysO. p. out.
(IS) HdIceed de rucaeleme Kayak. 5103.
(19) HA. Plant. Lugd. Bat. Hort. p.
Vo so. L of

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