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The mealy tartareous liebensides (iS) with brown

chilies, forms an article of trade with the people of

Weft Gothland. They manuferture a beautiful red
dye front it, which they fell under the name of ("s-
tela (0p). Dr. Hill fays we have this mole abun-
dantly in Lcicefterfhire and Warwickfhire.
The Welch make a red dye, with urine, from an-
moll of this ordcr, which Dillenius dcrtribes
(ao) by the name of The large leprous lidenoisles
saitb,ullosa plates. Their are not the only fpecies,
which are endowed with tissAing quality: other
kinds have bons obferved to gm o red or purple
colour to paper in which they lune occalionally been
inclofed. Doubtleb feveral would,upon fuflicient trials,
be Mond to anfwer equally well with Me crthel.
With regard to there cruflaccous maks in gene-
ral, it is highly worthy our regard, that in the (eco-
nomy of nature they anfwer fingular and important
ufcs. To an unobferving cyc, no clafs of vegetables
may appear more infignificant, or kfs adapted to ad-
vantageous purports in the creation, Man thert. This
vulgar cilia:nation of things is frequently erroneous
and it is certainly loin thc infiance before us. There
minute 21111 fccmingly infignificant molics reeve, un-
der franc eircomllancea, to valuabk purports. No
framer let rock kit bare by thc fru, but Ilsafe lichens
lay the kle11460/1 fcr its future fertility. Their feech,

LickeeIts earterwel .,Srrirarreirm inrefors. war. Nv.

MP. Mob. 131. PiONI4I Arexthis rpsfisagis bag. rot. Ciotti
MI. Ilia. P1. p. gy.
119/ Pk, Smn. E4.91. P. 407.
Ow) Loe04eo.w.o 04eaon.boit mjciku boo
Lola aroeswis Raii Syn. p. 7o. P1.46. Flift Mulc. p. s30.
R which

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