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I 442 I

The defign, then, of this paper, is to lay before

this Society fontr further reafone, why thek pilots
cannot be tbe fame and that even if they were the
fame, Mr. Miller has produced no authority to Slew,
that thia juke was ens nude oft of for tliis porpok
almond wish Come remarks on his reply to my let-
ter, in which be obliges me to be more parttrular
than I intended, in explaining Come errors, which I
find he has run into.
In tny letter to Mr. Webb, I have pointed out the
<tad dekription, which licempfer has given us of
the leaves of this plant, (hewing how much they
differ from our American one : but now I
mention Como oblirvations that ekaped me before,
and which, 1 think, will give us a dearer proof of
this matter.
Ktempfer, then, informs os, that this Japan var.
nith-tree, to Siro-ayirr, is a tree, oot a ihrub : and
this author (it is well known) is resaarkably mad
in the defeription of his Japan plants, making the
neceffary diffinCtions between a throb, an arborefeent
throb, and a tree. He then goes on to explain the
manner of its growths and tells as, that it grows with
long Cappy Cho" very luxuriantly, to the height of
a Callow or willow-tem, which we may reafonably
allow to be from 20 tO 30 feet whereas this Caro-
lina pennated Toxicodendron, as Mr. Miller tells ut
in his DiCtionary, 6th edk, in folio, is a Chrub, and
feldom riks above five ket high with us : and many
people, who have been in North America, agree,
that it is but a flow grower there, and is one of the
Snobby underwoods of that country: Co that, al-
lowing it to grow eveo double the hcight it docs

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