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f 443

here, it is fill but throb, m comparifon with the.

Further, while Dr. Dil {mins was warm with this
fogwofed difemery, of ow having got the true Japan
rarnith-nee in. Amerka, attempts were made there,
by intelligent parkins under his direfion, to procure
this warmth after the manner of Keempfer, but
without faeces, .01 am farmed by perfotw of that
country now here, with whom the Do-for corref-
Let IN now confok the growth of the Carolina
and Virginia Samachs, or Rhos's, in our nurfery-
gardens, and GOOlpmn them with this little fhrubby
Toticodendron, and we fiall find, that oven in this
add climate nature keep. NI regular proportionable
pace io the growth of vegetables of the fame coon-

Lel no obferve the growth of COMB of thee

Rhw's, and we /hall find that great luzuriancy of
the ascots, which Ktempfer fo jufly deferibes in his
sarodh-trec. One of thefe finerican ones even feema
to prom& the fame height aa the Japan R.hus
whereas this bale thrubby Toticodendron fill pre-
fer.= the flUZ.n dwerflib flow-pawing habit, that it
Ito in its native country.
This lends ow, in the nest .place, to thew, that
dark two pima muft lw of different genus's the
me a Rhos, and the other a Toxicodendron: and
if fo, *acceding to Mr. Miller, they ought to to
{wordy didinguithed, and not rankod together, as
De. Lammn has doe,
In ceder to prorr this, let sr then malaise Kos:v-
ic s deicriptioo of the parts of the Iowa, and fee
LII a whether

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