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In defcribing theft bodies, we fhall be obliged to

nuke the bell conic-awes we can of lime of them
only for feveral are fidEciendy obvious to every natu-
midi, and =My known by comparing them to fuch
meta fruits, as are frequent enough among us. Some
of them are abfolutely exotics and indeed they are
all rare and curious, and, in my humble opinion, well
worth the notice of the Royal Society.
Duda- Woodward's catalogue °, which is fo ample
and full of a/I kinds of /offal bodies, has only a very
few fruits ; and thefe are only fome hiele nuts found
in different plates, a few pine-cones, and laryires, and
one fruit, which was taken foe an unripe nutmeg.
In this oalleetien before us tta-y arc all very different,
and fuels as have not been ken before.
It will not bc sank, in this place, to give a Bart
detail of loch bodies as are capable of either being
petrified thernfelves, or of leaving their impreffions
to flony =ISM By being petrifsed, is meant being im-
pregnated with Bony, pyritical, or any other metal-
line- or (parry =NUT; for there are inumerable fpeci-
mess, vibe:rein all theft are apparent.


The Melly matter of tbek iS of fo compad and dry
astute, that they will endore for ages : and if in a
at bed where inoiflure has accefs, they will receive
Amy matter into then pores, and become ponderous
proportion so the quantity imbibed. If in a dry

Sacs al nrritintr Mis difcattrfe, Ilr. Mason Mtarms me, the

AA re bond m ana than MOM MO Rad laeyeen

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