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lo totoer to this, I fay thth lobe-kores we not

equal I for I hare examined both the fpccimens and
drawings of Dr. Kternpfer's fpurious varnifh-tote, and
I Malt find tho tornn0broofpt.noorotdvoo
on a fide whereas I have a frnall fpccimen of a leaf
if ton, that was taken from the top of one of Mo-
o:amines ChMr rarnifh-trees, which is above tight
im high. and Rands in an open rapofure ; and this
tho but foot long, has or lobe-learea on a fide,
w d emh lobe indented at the bale 4. At the rank
barc I obkmed, that the lames of the young (hoots
ameher tree were a yard long, as they were this
harmer at the garden of the Britifh Mufeum. An-
, law thing O remarkabk in the leaves of this China
llama-tree ; and that is, the lobes of the Imam, as
ci approach to the end, grow Muller and fmalker, s
c.diketm.s in the fporious Japan mynah-tree they are
rlokr, if there is any difference, larger towards the
I thaIl make this further remark, that the theic
161111100DOM On the lobe-lam may vary M number
Oaths China varnifh-tree yet, ao I °Nerved Mime,
Item ther are continued au even in the thrallon heves
pide top of the bralches of a tree eight feet high
dk open ground, it appears to me, that this fpe-
ilk dwrader, befadm the form and inkrtion oF the
s, roil ever diliinguith it as a thfiec
*dmfrom the Fetn-no-ki; or fpurious vareith-
Whither now goes oo to mil to, he it minimised
WI: belief of their being the hose, by making
Me obliterations on the feeds of this China rarnith-

To... XVII. what *rim-We <softly ithocamd.


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