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diBerent theories have beep railed, concerning the

monethon of the lynsphatks with the arteries.
Of thefe, an flail firll confider that of the late
famous profelfor Beethaave. .He obferved, that every
worry of the body is greater, in its diameter, than
:my Of it/ brander : and this obfervation being found
Inm, as Far as our eye and the microlcope mo inform
tp, he inferred, by make, that it held gocd even
thro the ;noel mutate kthdirifions of the arterial
fyfisms. Boat, heyt ho, proportionable to the diameter
of the canal is the fire of the panicles moving thro'
it: therefor; if an ultimate capillary astery, admit-
*only one red globule at once to pea thro' it, fend
atf lateral bunches, thek branches mill be capable
of receiving fuels particles only as are fAullrr chats a
ed globule. But the penicles neat in:magnitude
below tbe red globules are the yellow krona ones ;
sad die latetel raki, thus receiving them, Is a fermis
wog, and the trunk of a fecond order of yell-els.
is like manner, this musk, being continued on thro'
twiny kaolin branches, will at lad grow fo minute,
so Klalit only one firma globule its lateral
Wades, therefore, will recedve only filch particles
aNe [wallet than the fermis ones : but thck arc the
f the lymph; and this lateral branch is a
artery, and the Mink of a third order of
Selids. Thus, in the red arteries are contained all
the *claimed fluids .of the body; in the Brous atte-
r* all except the red blood ; ill the lymphatics, all
Watt the redhlood and (coons ard this fuhordina-
Oink, eccording to tbc fame Ltws, continued down
liukh more fulatile than the lymph, to the
Wire veal, which is propagated kw the aorta.
Tta Suck

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