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voir, at the fide of which is a yellowiflt gland, Ilke

paerrrar. From thole two balks or glands, one of
which may be called hepatic, and the other pan-
creatic, two conduits pats out ; that of the panerrar
it white, the other of a b/ackifh purple : the Ihlt
conclude its chyle, condented, into a referroir or
bladder, which may he rntembled to the rtropbstm-
loot dry!" of Pripet, and from thence plies to the
kcal matter the other conduCts to a body made like
the melentery, but which is always found out of the
common capacity or cavity, in which all the *leers
Ise contained ; which I thus defcribe
This common capacity is very large, beginning s
thc head and ending at the tail of the WI : it I.
fornctimes filkd with a yellowith water, and is form-
ed by the &thy body of the animal ; which is only
a membrane computed of fibres every way inter-
woven together, open at the top, where thc organs
are (nuked, which contain the purple juice.
There is a hollow upon the back of the anknal,
where the canal, filkd with a reddilli juice, pities out,
carrying it to a fringed body like a rnekntery ; and it
k there the purple juice is brought to perfections
and afterwards goes to a long tack lying under a kind
of horny plate, not like the bone of the cuttle-fillk
but like thc bone of the Irpia, or little cattle-fins,
which we call k rostrum. This bone, or horny tub-
fiance, a tranfparent ; and is of a triangular figure,
es approaching the form of a bivalve thell. On the '
right 6de it is fatiemd by a thong cartilaginaua nudele,
which binds it to the body of the snstttuli and Ort
the left it is open and detached, and ealy to be pulled
up then it is oak to foe underneath both the Olt-
fanterit body, and the tube or refugia uf the par-
9 ple

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