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-avoid wounding that organ, and with much diffi-

culty could part it from it. I mit with no fluid in
-the peritardisms. The heart was (null.; and in the
internal fide the pores of the pericaniman appeated
fo large, that one might have infinuated the bead of a
middling pin into them. They have been dekribed
-by tome anatomifts, who have met with cafes fon',
what fimilar to this, but without Inch univeriXl ad-
hefions ; and they have been fuppofed to have been
glands. The fame poses likewife appeared on the
heart.; which, in my opinion, are nothing but the
extremities of the exhaling veffels. In removing the
heart, I found the dedel, and other lymphatic glands
above the lungs, quite large. Indurated, and of a
dark greyifh colour. Nothing remarkable appeared
in the lungs ; only, that the portion of the pleura,
which Weeds the lungs, and is generally thin, was
hew thkk and rough ; and then a glafs it appeared
as if covered with grains of and ; and might in fe-
veral places have been wfily torn from the lungs.
The aorta was prctty large; and in that part of it,
which runs on the tenth dorfal vertebra, I found a
syylie, as Ng as an olive, full of par ; and lower
down, immediately before that voila perforates the
diaphragm, I found another, fognething Ids, full of
matter likewife ; both which portions I have by nse.
That portion oldie aorta, where the gflis appeared,
was rather thicker than the other, and offeous. Li
opening the craniam, I found in that part of the ce-
rebrum, which lies over thc cerebellum, a table fponti-
full of pus, of a grcenifh colour ; and examining it
thee a glafs, there V1251.11 appearance of anissakala
An it.

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