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XXIX. .r.i.f.Catalstese thsFillyPlaimi
:=-Gheff6s,'. Garden; prelim-fear' ile-the'
I. rhecoriet, fin. the Tear ris
of,9M Han Sio'ess-.BAswi,j;
Reg. le! 4m. Reg...1411r" ,
":" Jobe :Wilmer" : .
Profile. et PeveleLlar Tame.
1.5AP6ss. rsal A BeOtanana 6azapeldno ineatan
JX Carline odore. C. B. P.
2700 Abroanura hunuiR coryrobis majoribus sureis.
H. Reg. Par.
1703 AUT platanoides. MuntinglI Iiftor.
1704 Atnelanchiex. Lobel.
1705 Arschufa lutm minor. B 3. 583.
Buglofihim luteum annuum minimum. Tour!).

5706 &Clods rands decumbennbus (obis lircari-

lounurdo fubrus argenteis Sore mag-
no aurco pediculo bngiffimo. Miller's Icons.
7 41Cyrum magno,flore, C.13. 280.
es 7
r7o8 Afphodelus -'41161369giCil& magno Sore Lini
H. L. 65.
1709 Alter caule ramofo fcabro perenni folds ovads
feflilibus pedunculis midis undbaris. Mikis
57 to Aftragalua =pens minor flore exult° liliqua.
. Epigloctidi funilir Index Plant. Boe;h.

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