v50 1757-Page 394

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[ 394-

(hocks from it. The confequenu wits, that the (ba-

king of her head gradually decreafed, till it innerly
tested that fhe was able at laft to Rand without any
fupport; and on leaving the room quite forgot one of
her crutches, and walked to the kitchin with very
little affittance from the other. That night fhe con-
tinued to be well and Rept better than Re had done
for feveral months before, only about midnight Re
was feized with a fainahnefs, and took notice of a
noting fulphureous tale in ha mouth; but both faint-
eels and that tate went off, upon drinking a little wa-
ter. Next day, being ele6trited as before, het Rrength
fentibly increafed during the operation, and when
that wu over (he walked eafily with a flick, and could
lift lateral pounds weight with ha left hand, which
lead been th long paralytic before. The experiment
was repeated on the third day ; by which time the
had received in all upwards of 600 fevere Rocks.
She then telling us that flie had as much power in
the fide that had been affefted as in the otha, we
believed it unneceffary to proceed farther as the elec-
tricity had already, to all appearance produced a corn-
pleat cure, land indeed the patient aintinned to be
well till the Sunday following, viz. about thnte days
after the loft operation ; but upon going that day to
church, the probably catched cold ; for on Mon-
day the complained of a numbnefs in her left hand
and foot but, upon being again eleftrifed, every
fynaptom vanithed, and the has bean perfettly well
ever fince.
Coldiegharn, trox 1757. Patrick Brydonc.


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