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[ 488

remarkable, that dm line of the nodes is Atrial at

right angles with thc long axis of thc ellspn ; which
torrefponds nearly with the comets of the years
7 560. 683, and 1686 : but theft had their peri-
helions northward of the ecliptic ; whereas the peri-
helion of the loft, which we have lately ken, was to
the fouthward of the ecliptic.
I have the honour to fubkribe myklf, with the
molt perfed elle= for you, and your fubliene thdies,
very refpaftfully,
S I R,
Your very bumble and obedient Servant,
KW, ..36 De,
.757. D. Klinkenberg.

LXI. Remark, on the deferent Temperature

of the divir at Edyllone, from that ob-
ferreted at Plymouth, between the 7th and
14th July 1757. By Mr. JOIla SIDea-
I014 . R.S.
S I R,
47e.: CC' ON the reading of Dr. Fluitham's
letter at the loll meeting, fame ob-
ferrations occurred to me, concerning the different
tanperature of the air, which I had oblerved at the
Edyllone, from what had been obferved by tke
Duda et Plymouth, between the 7th and 146h of

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