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LXV. Some Ohfervatiom upon the Sleep of

Plano ; and an /Room of then Faculty,
which Limucus call; Vigilir Florurn ; with
an Enumeration of feveral Plano, which
are Mell to that Law. Communicated
to Wm. Warfon, M. D. F. R. S.
Richard Pultncy Lcicciler.
Inv A Cofla and Profper Alpines, who both
.75F. PI. wrote near the conclufion of the
X Vida century, are, I believe, the fiat, who recorded
that nofturnal change in the leaves of plants, whtch
bat fince been called foams. It is an obferration
indeed as old as Pliny's time, that the leans of tre-
foil airtime an ere! &onion (1) upon the coming of
fiorms. The fame is oblervabk of our wood-fonel
and Linares adds, of 111710ll all plants with (Io-
dinated !lamina (2 ). In the Trifeksoo prareoli al-
lismoC. B. or common whitc-flowered meadow, tre-
foil, it is fo obvious, that the common people in
Sweden remark, and prognofticate the coming of
stempens and rain frorn it.
The examples of fleeping plants tenanted by Al-
pinist are hut few. That aothor rays, it was com-
mon to (corral Egyptian Species (3), but fpecifies only
the Acad., Abrus, Abfus, Scfban, and the Tamarind-

(r ) Tnfobum qucque inhocarkcw C ol. comm (=page=

tubegere crown cfl ILO. Nat. Lb. (ma. cap. 31.
(a) Flw. Nippon. p. 222.
(3) Kolp. Mpw. in plants, /Egpti, cap.

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