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1. e.41197.
L N. se= 1.11a6me

mol s ar. = lag a.33,44

LeS. ..5.9, ..7e6,97
What half i. ,a,3,6411
tbe LA. at ar 3V. Ow &able of ebkb 91 50. SW.-
06=2 Win.
And Rang the fines TS. TQ, reduced to minutes
of a dcgrec, are 6a pg.189 and 3:55.189 refpeffively.
and the angle STV is 6r the right line SCLon
the map will be 5594.', exceeding its jult value by
13 a' or of the whole.
7. The errors on the parallels increating faft to-
wards the north, and thc line SQ having, at lull.,
nearly the fame diredion. it is not to be wondered
that the errors in our example thould amount to
sl7. Greater Rill would happen, if we meafured the
diftance from 0 to Q_by a flraight linc joining thofe
point,: for that line, on the conk furface, lying
every-where at greater dillance from the fphae
then the points 0 and Q. muff plainly be very
improper meafure of the diftance of their correfpon-
dent points on the fphere. And therefore, to pre-
vent all errors of that kind, and confine the other
crews in this part of our map to narrower bounds, it
will be belt to terminate it towards the pole by a
Rraight Ike K I touching the parallel 0 Qin the
middle point K, and on the caft and well by lines,
as HI, parallel to the meridian duo K, and meet-
ing the tangent at the middle point of the parallel
S V in H. By this means too wc Ihall gaia more
(pace titan we lofe, while the map takes the ufual

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