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r 555

middk Wien& Draw LN, Io, cofines of the lati-

tudes, the fme of the middle latitude MF, and Rs
cotangent MT. Then writing unity for the radius,
if in CM we take Cs mNE".m-rt., and thro
we drow r R, or, equal each to half the arc LI;
and perpendicular to CM ; the conical furface ge-
netated by the line Rr, while the figure revolves on
the axis of the fplicre, will be equal to the furface
of the zone that is to be defcribed in the fame tirne
by dm we LA; as will eafily appear by comparing
that conical furface with the zone, as meafured by
And, Wily, If from the point t, lot which rR
produced mew the axis, wc the angle Cr V in
proportion to the longitude of the propofcd map, se
M F the fine of the middle latitude is to radius, and
draw the parallels and meridians as in; the figure, the
whole (pace sogy will be the propofed part of
the conical furface expanded OOO a plane; in which
the places may now be infernal warding to their
known lnngitudes and latitudes.

V. Let LA tbc breadth of tbe_zone, be so°, lying
between to. and 6o. ooeth Intitader lee longnude
x to from no. nit Of the CO. OS to the center of
the weftern hemifpheke; comprehending the wellern
parts of Europe and Africa, the more known pens
of North America, and the ocean that frparates it
hom the old condone.
And beeaufe Cx add there
three logarithms.
4Bn Log.

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