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and (terns better calculate] for determining fuperfacial

and linear medures, than any other that has occurred
to me.
This Gentleman illuffrates his theory with ex-
amples juffly intended to point out the quantity of
error, that will happen in a hrge extent.
For inflame ; Between latitudes and tco. N.
and containing 1 to degrees difference of longitude,
Mr. Murdoch computes the diflance at pp
which, upon the arc of a great circle, is found to be
y477, or by other methods 1461 a fo that the dd..
In-elite is only 57, Or at moll 133 MHOS in fo great
an extent, and to an high latitude ; and the higher
thc latitude the greater the error is like to be, where-
ever middle latitude it concerned.
courfcs alto agree very nearly with computa-
tions made hunt the tables of meridional parts.
In example the frill they are die very fame:
In example the ad they agree to half a minute:
In example the 3d they vary le .3', on account of
tile high latitudes, which extend born 56. to BeN.
flowerer, I do not die= this method fo
eafy, and concife, in the pradice of navigation, as
Mr. Wright's conftmiltion, elpecially in determining
the bearings or merles from place to place nor will
it (I prefume) admit of a zone containing both north
and booth latitude.
Of their inconveniences Mr. Murdoch hems to
be extremely well acquainted, when he expreffes
himfelf in the following very candid and ingenuous
terms, viz. " A. to Wright's or Macao'', nein-
" ral chart, it does ism hem faU under our confide-
.' ration : it is perfed in its kind ; and will always
be reckoned among the chief inventions of the
" laff

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