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[ 6o8

all the purpofes of convenience, and at the fame

time were more beautiful ; and being the manufac-
ture (2s) of Italy, might probably be purchafed at
lefs expence. Upon all which accounts it teems
reafonable to conclude, that one of there invention
would naturally be introdultory to the other : and
confeqmntly, that as window-lights of the lopirAle-
euktrir began to be ufed within the memory of So.
nma, who died (26) under Nero, about anne Cbriple
68. (Weir.), the original zf tkofe of glafs may have
fair pretenfions to place within the period affigned
in the foregoing paragraph, vm, fame years before
the dedruCtion (27) of Herculaneum, in whole ruins
the plate before us was buried.

To conclude I need not obfcrve to you, that all

the evidence here produced to prove the ufage of
glafs-windows to have been cozval with the frag-
ment we arc now confidering, is of the conjeausal
kind only: for, I mud confers, I have not Men able
to trace it up by any podtive authority higher than
about 100 years (bort of the epocha lad mentioned,
viz. to the latter end of the third century (28), when
it is exprelly mentioned by LaC(antios in there words:
--Maileflies all, modern effe, gee per ecule,ea,

(2s) Psis Nat. 1181. lib. tostri. c. 26. 4. 66.

(16) s.d. Cuttra.
(27) Anno Lttnili So.
(si) In 0cd6 tn pal), rny placin the teflintony of 666 Fatler
fo high, I wen, arrow, aot St. fitocne ( Eidg.)
lc, that 1.gtantn6-6,6616i frua. t,erii GO:
tut Layaarraa is GsOafsri. e ancfi prelubly h6ve mama

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