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when, after having violently heated herfelf by four

hours dancing, on a rudder) her power of fpeech
returned, and it has continued perfedly free ever
What is Gill further remarkable in this cafe is,
that daring the whole time of this patient's conti-
nuing frechlefs, her life was rendered yet more
uncomfortable by her having, from the injury to hcr
brain by the (palms, forgot how to write, fo as to
exprefs her meaning that way : but upon the re-
covery of her fpcech, this faculty likewife returned,
which the hks retained ever Gore. During the fe-
nreity of this difeafe, whicir continued (crud weeks;
almoll every day of which, from the number and
violence of the convultions, I feared would be the
patient's lull, nothing was left unattempted, which
I imagined could tend to prevent the return of the
fpifins, or Wien thcir diets. My endeavours la
far happily fucomded, that her fits did not return ;
but the confegoences of them continued, more par-
ticularly her inability to fpeak. After forne months
however, when the was recruited in hcr Ilrength, I
was defirous of trying the effrets of elearicity, more
particularly applied about her throat. This was ac-
cordingly attempted s but Arch was the nate of her
nerves, and their fesaidadity to its effees, that elec-
trizing brought back the fits, which again affeCted
her fight : fo that I was compelled to &CI, kit, in
endeavouring to refiner her fpeech, !might not only
fail in this attempt, but might bring poffibly on a
permanent blindnefs.I determined therefore to troll
the whole to time, which los happily removed all
leer complkints.
Vol.. go. C C. An

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