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from performing, feveral of her necefrary funflions.

When the muklea, for inflame, fubfervient to de-
glutition had been convulfed, for many hours after
the fin had left her, fire has not been able to (wallow
a fingle drop of liquid : fo that when attempts have
been made to caufe her to drink, unlefs the liquor
was immediately thrown back, there was imminent
clanger of her being ftrangled. When her eyes have
been affetted, feveral times a compleat gota firma.
and total blindnefs, has called the patient being
able to bear. Jae ftrong day-light with open eyes,
without being fenfihle of its influence, or in the
1=11 tontrafting her widely dilated pupils. After
one of thefe fits the blindnefs continued full five
days and I began to be in fear for the return of hcr
You, Sir, who am fo excellently well retied in
the animal oeconomy, are not to be informed, that
vocification is performed in the alktra arteria, but
that the articulation of founda into fylialAes and words
is modulated principaly by the tongue, and making
about the larynx. In the cafe before you, very early
in the &face, the (palms ftized the mufcles about
the larynx : the confiquence of which was, that after
they were over, the patient was unable to utter a
word. This faculty however the again once reco-
vered ; hut it continued a very (bort time, as the
fits returned, which again kft her deprived of the
power of theta. After having loft her voice e
fecund time, her power of fpeech did not return,.
even after fhe was freed from her convulfions, and
her general health sectored. Fourteen months palled,
snbdll this patient continued ahfolutely fpoechkfs

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