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r Jo I

Monday night. This ftorm broke eere pdhe of

glen on the north fide Ea honk, and dnfteoyed _an
his prden things inanely.
De mention, tkewile the heats to have keen rather
mote than ufual in that money this rummer, and
partkularly on the gth of Angell his thermometer
(which is hung on the outride of his hook on the
north afgeft) was at 5,7, by Fahrenheit% graduation,
and fome other days as high as 500 Ot gy. lam,
Your moll obedient humble Savant,
pnnyn (Mee,
Orager, ma. Wm. F'auquier.

CI. An Account of an extraoniinary Caefi

of a difeafod Eye In a Leuer oo Mat-
. thew Maty, M.D. If. R. S. .01 Daniel
Peter Layard, to. 'P. It
Dear Sir, Hmtingdon, loth May, I 75g.
Odober 0755. I communicated to
S, yaw; and yes Mk:old:In shaded vo-
lume of yen/ ytriwl Briunniqat, the cafe of Su-
fannah Earle, of Hensiningford-Crey in this County,
who, in confeguence of the whooping cough, was
affhaed with a protruded cye. The cafe I now fend
you, fotnewhat fundue to that yeung.girfs in its Sell
ppearance and pregrefv, but by accident attended
with a Second aerie, will perhaps &Erre your at-
yC3 motion.

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