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Colegio de San Juan de Letran Calamba

City of Calamba, Laguna

Let us know what you think of a Letran education. Please take time to rate the questions
below using the scale provided.
5 Strongly agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 2 Disagree
4 Agree 1 Strongly disagree

1. Through various co-curricular activities, projects, and classes, Letran gave me

opportunities to enhance the knowledge I need for as a productive member of the workforce,
particularly the following:
5 4 3 2 1
1.1. problem-solving analytical processes
1.2. team-building, team- membership
1.3. project or group management processes
1.4. leadership/follower processes
1.5. job competencies

2. Through various co-curricular activities, projects, and classes, Letran gave me

opportunities to enhance skills that I now use in my job particularly the following:
5 4 3 2 1
2.1. communication and facilitation skills
2.2. team-building skills
2.3. research, planning, and evaluation skills
2.4. flexibility and adaptability skills
2.5. job-related skills

3. Through various co-curricular activities, projects, and classes, Letran gave me

opportunities to hone my attitude particularly the following:
5 4 3 2 1
3.1 openness to look at alternate solutions,
new opportunities and ways to improve
3.2 strong sense of responsibility and commitment
3.3. willingness to participate without always having to lead
3.4. creativity, innovation, and intuition
3.5 self-confidence

4. Through various co-curricular activities, projects, and classes, Letran gave me

opportunities to instill values significant to my behavior as a member of the workforce
particularly the following:
5 4 3 2 1
4.1. respect for the individual, group, and community
4.2. empathy towards others
4.3. trust in others
4.4. patience, perseverance, and endurance
4.5 honesty and trustworthiness

A. Name ONE area of strength of a Letran education: __________________________________

B. Name ONE area of your Letran education that may require a bit of refinement but is
basically in place:
C. Name ONE area where a gap exists between your job competencies and your Letran
education: _________________________________________________________________
Arriba Letranista!

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