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Longswamp United Church of Christ “Oh Lord, that you would rend the heavens and come down,

d, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would
200 Clay Road, Mertztown, PA 19539 tremble before you! As when fire sets twigs ablaze, and causes water to boil, come
Phone 610-682-6230 down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake
E-Mail: Web: before you! For when you did do awesome things that we did not expect, you came
down, and the mountains trembled before you.
Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Ann Mabry Miller, Organist
November 28th, 2010 First Sunday of Advent Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any
God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. You come to the help
of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. But when we continued to sin
(Please turn off cell phones. The symbol + indicates that those who are able should stand. Words in you were angry. How then can we be saved?”
BOLD are spoken or sung by the whole congregation.)
MUSICAL PRELUDE Reader: We never do see the whole picture. That is why we need to stay close to God,
because it is God who paints the whole picture. Let us confess our sins before God.
WELCOME Let us pray:
Unison: Holy One as we begin our journey to the Christmas light, we confess
ORGAN CHIMES that our lives have not always been lived in ways pleasing to You. Our worries
and stress have left us feeling distant from You, the One in whose hands we live
+OPENING HYMN …………“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”..………….……#145
and move and have our being. We even feel distant from one another, reluctant
+CALL TO WORSHIP to talk about things that irritate us in case we cause conflict. We let our
Pastor: In the desert of life, prepare a pathway for our God. irritations build up, poisoning relationships. But now our longing for You, the
People: In the wilderness of dry and fragile relationships, make a highway for One who is present both in heaven and on earth, kindles a fire in our soul. We
God to travel. wait for You. We dare to hope for a better future because we are Your people.
Pastor: Do whatever it takes to bring God right into people’s lives. Defy human Amen
expectations. Do things totally differently. Sung Response (tune: Stuttgart)
People: Fill in the valleys of despair. Level the mountains of anger and Come Thou long expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free
miscommunications. From our fears and sins release us; Let us find our rest in Thee.
Unison: Working together we can do it. The glory of God will be revealed among (Time of silent reflection)
us. (Please be seated)
LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLE Reader: In the Name of Jesus born in Bethlehem hear the Good News. Our sins are
Reader: As our days grow shorter and our nights longer, we who are people of faith forgiven. We can realistically think that the future will be different, because of God’s
turn to symbols such as candles, evergreens and wreaths to proclaim our belief in the love and power. We feel hope rise up within us. And so we light this first candle and
unquenchable light of God. In hopeful anticipation, we prepare for the Reign of God to name it Hope.
be complete and universal. Sung Response as candle is lit.
People: We open our hearts to Jesus Christ the Word of God revealed in the Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth Thou art;
words of scripture on the first Sunday of the Church Year. Dear Desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.
Reader: The reading is from Isaiah 64:1-5. Still stuck in Babylon, but now ruled by THE PASSING OF THE PEACE
Persia instead of the Babylonians, the prophet longs for God to make Himself known Pastor: The Peace of God be with you. People: And also with you.
in a clear and tangible way so everyone can see God. Listen to the words of scripture: Please greet one another with words and/or signs of peace, remembering that not everyone wishes to shake hands.
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BELL CHOIR ANTHEM: Aspiration for Three Octave Handbells
Arr. Raymond H. Herbek +Pastor: Beloved in Christ, the Gospel tells us that from the moment the birth of Jesus
was announced God flung the door of salvation wide. The rich and the poor, the wise
CHILDREN’S TIME and the uneducated, the old and the young – all who responded to the Good News
were invited to the great feast of God’s love.
+People: This is the joyful feast of the people of God. Men and women, youth
Isaiah 2:1-5 (Pew Bible page 1062)
and children, come from the east and the west, from the north and the south,
A vision of world peace and justice.
and gather about Christ’s table.
GOSPEL READING Pastor: This table is open to all who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share
Luke 1: 5-25 (Pew Bible page 1587) in the community of God’s people.
The Birth of John the Baptist
MEDITATION: “A New Day is Coming” Pastor: God be with you. People: And with you also.
Pastor: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to God.
HYMN …………“Now Bless the God of Israel”………….……SEE Bulletin Page 6 Pastor: Let us give thanks to God.
People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
PASTORAL PRAYER Pastor: It is indeed right and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all
places give thanks to you Holy Lord, Almighty Father and Everlasting God. When the
THE LORD’S PRAYER Unison: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy time was right you sent Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary,
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but should have everlasting life. You
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever, Amen.
opened wide the doors of salvation inviting both Jews and non-Jews to become a part
of Your everlasting story of holy love. Now we join with the angelic host who sang to
INVITATION FOR THE OFFERING the shepherds at Bethlehem, with them we worship and adore Your glorious Name, by
“The Lord Comes” - G. Alan Smith Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth;
Heaven and earth are full, are full of the majesty of thy glory;
+OFFERTORY RESPONSE - ……………………………………………………. #150v3 Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest!
So bring him incense, gold and myrrh, come, peasant, king to own him. The Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord;
King of kings’ salvation brings; let loving hearts enthrone him. Raise, raise the Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! (Please be seated)
song on high, the virgin sings her lullaby; joy, joy, for Christ is born, the babe
+OFFERTORY PRAYER OF DEDICATION (Unison) Almighty God, send your holy Spirit upon us and upon these elements of bread and
What can we bring to the manger to offer the incarnate Lord, Creator of the wine that the bread which we break may be the Communion of the Body of Christ, and
Universe? We bring what the Lord Jesus wants most, our humble thankful the cup of blessing which we bless may be the Blood of Christ. Accept, we pray, this
hearts. May these gifts be blessed. May our light shine in the darkness – Amen. memorial of the blessed sacrifice of thy Son, which we here offer in union with our own
(Please remain standing.) sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise, consecrating ourselves in soul and body, property
and life to thy most blessed service and praise. Amen
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Christ’s death, O God, we proclaim.
Christ’s resurrection we declare.
Christ’s coming we await.
Glory be to you, O God.


(Communion is served to you in the pew. Take the bread and wait until all have received bread. We will
eat together. Take the wine or grape juice. Wait until all have received.)


“Gigue from Sonata in D Minor” by F.M. Veracini -



Unison: Almighty and everlasting God, we thank you for the great goodness you
have shown us by promising to feed us through these holy mysteries of bread
and wine, the Body and Blood of your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. You have
made us a living part of the mystical Body of your Son, and heirs – through hope
– of your everlasting kingdom revealed to us through the Christ Child. Heavenly
Father, assist us with your grace, so we may kneel at the manger full of wonder
and awe at all that You can do in our lives. This we ask through the Child born in
Bethlehem, Christ the Lord, Amen.


Pastor: Those who trust in the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. They will
rise up on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and never
grow faint. Now may the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be
amongst you and remain with you always. Amen

+ GLORIA ………………………………………………………………………#152 Refrain

Glo………..ria in excelsis, Deo!
Glo………..ria in excelsis, Deo!

+PARTING HYMN …………“Long Ago, Prophets Knew”……….………………#142


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Welcome to all who worship here this day. Please sign the pew pads, and if there is
anyone interested in becoming a member of Longswamp Church family to indicate Phoebe Home Holiday Gifts Dedicated December 12th
your contact information as space allows. We invite all to join us in partaking of the Gifts should be returned no later than Wednesday December 8th and will be dedicated
Sacrament of Holy Communion. All present and communing are reminded to sign the at worship on December 12th. Please put your gift in a gift bag – this makes it
pew pads … and if you have communed to enter an “X” in the second column of the easier for residents to open. If you have any questions please ask Pastor Kathy.
pew pad for our records. Visitors desiring notification of their home church for having
communed are asked to include a mailing address of your church or Pastor.
Participants in today’s service:
If you are Hearing impaired please see a Greeter for an individual wireless receiver. Greeters: Brenda & Dennis Bower Acolyte: Weylin Eck
Head Usher: Coralie Eck Reader: Tim Masenheimer
There are Busy Boxes available for use by the “young and the restless” located in the Nursery Hosts: Bonnie Lesher & MaryAnn Lesher
bookcase in the narthex. Please replace them after the worship service. Thank you to
Fellowship Hosts: Don & Jayne Siegfried & Weidman Family
Jayne & Donald Siegfried for donating the boxes.
Scheduled for next week – December 5th at 10:15am:
Today’s Altar Flowers and Worship Bulletins are presented to the Glory of God and Greeters: Ellie Long & Andrew Thomas Acolyte: Annie Bleiler
are in memory of Departed Loved Ones by Carl & Marjorie Shoemaker. Head Usher: Kim Jenkins Reader: Bill Thomas
Nursery Hosts: Liz Teeters & Bev Thomas
Attendance – November 21, 2010 - 80 Fellowship Hosts: No Fellowship – CONGREGATIONAL MEETING
Receipts: General - $1954.00 Maintenance - $494.00 OCPP - $105.00
Memorial - $210.00 Total Giving by Members - $2763.00 Altar Guild Members for the month of November are Amy Riovo & Jennifer Kressley.
Missions: $15.00 Other Receipts - $2773.00 Total - $5551.00
Members and Friends Prayer List: [As of Bulletin preparation time]
For parents with children up to and including age five a nursery is available in our Recuperating: Grace Lantz, Artena Unger, Winfield Lease, Matthew Walbert,
Christian Education Building. JoAnn Jones, Regina Lambert
Active Members of Military: PFC Matthew Shade [USA], PFC Michael Xiques [USA]
Our special thanks to the Weidman Family for participating in the Lighting of the Special: Beulah Harmony, Marlene Hamm, Jared Toth, Alayna Biltcliff, Olivia
Advent Wreath this first Sunday in the season. Radcliffe, Bernice Bauer [Barbara Eck’s sister who is under Hospice Care], & Niki Ferrizzi
[Friend of Coralie Eck recently diagnosed with cancer]
Shut-ins: Ida Gehringer, Ruth Hertzog, & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Home, Topton], Ruth
We invite you all to a time of fellowship and refreshment following the service,
hosted by Don & Jayne Siegfried and Weidman Family. Please come and join us in Romig [Lewisburg], Mary Conrad, Anna Delong, Beulah Harmony, Webster Heffner,
our multi-purpose room. Catherine Miller, Helen Schuler, & Doris Weller [at home]

Reminder: Sponsorship forms for Poinsettia Plants or Gifts to the General Fund [in Please give the Pastor a note on special prayer needs, and remember to notify the
lieu of plants] are due in the church office by tomorrow, Monday, November 29 th. church of any members hospitalized. Use our church codes for any hospital
Forms are available from the church office and in the Narthex.
admissions - Allentown Hospitals - 451; Reading – 80

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Our next service of Holy Communion is Christmas Eve, both worship services. If you Church Family Notes:
wish to receive private Holy Communion, or if you have a family member who cannot Happy Birthday: Happy Anniversary:
come to church for Communion, please notify the Pastor. Dec. 1 – Dean Shoemaker 12/03/1981 Annabelle & Wayne Weller
Dec. 4 – Doris Epting
If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers and/or Bulletins, please sign up on the
charts in the Narthex. The 2011 Charts will be posted before the Christmas Eve
The 2011 Offering Envelope Sets are available for you to pick up on the table by the
Services. bell. They are placed in alphabetical order, starting on the lower right side of the table.
At all times, please remember to inform the church office of any address changes in
All members are reminded that the Annual Congregational Meeting for election of order that your membership and mailing records will be accurate.
officers and action on the 2010 budget will be held in conjunction with the worship
service next Sunday, Dec. 5th. We encourage all members to attend. Please remember to drop off your Redner’s receipts and Radcliffe’s receipts in the
marked boxes in the vestibule. This is a very easy way to assist your church.
Upper Room Daily Devotional guides are available in the Narthex, incl. large print,
for $1. The Bach and Handel Chorale of Jim Thorpe will present a Christmas concert at St.
Paul's U.C.C. in Trexlertown on Saturday, December 4th at 7:00 pm. Admission is
This Week at the Church: free, but a free will offering will be received. Randall D. Perry is Artistic Director and
Today: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am - Conductor, and will accompany the Chorale. He is also the Organist and Master of
Worship: First Sunday of Advent, Sacrament of Holy Communion Choristers at St. Paul's Church.
Monday: 6:30pm – Boy Scouts [cabin]
Your Church Staff and Information:
Thursday: 7:30pm – Loft Choir
Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley. Pastor 610-295-9599
Next Sunday: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
E-mail address is
Worship: Christmas Fund Offering; FALL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING; Altar
Dawn Strunk, Church Secretary 610 682-0802
Guild decorating sanctuary following meeting; 5:30pm – Bell Choir
Ann Mabry Miller, Organist 610 966-3160
Vern Shade, Bell Choir Director 610 395-0970
Remember to check the calendar outside the church office for any schedule changes -
Beverly Thomas, Learning Center Director 610 682-9750
but please do not change that calendar without the knowledge of the church staff.
Ron Newhard, Sexton 610 966-4298

The following items are needed next Sunday for the “Brandywine Food Pantry” they
Your Consistory and Church Officers:
are cereal, peanut butter, jelly, tissues, dish liquid.
William Thomas, President [Elder] Coralie Eck
Jennifer Kressley, Vice President Kimberly Jenkins
Please note: Anyone hosting fellowship or other after church activities, is asked to
Andrew Thomas, Secretary Timothy Masenheimer
please make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are
Robert Friedly, Treasurer [Elder] Audrey Tucker
closed, and lights turned off before leaving. Thank you.

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