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The target for this magazine are teenage girls.

From the age of 12 to 16, that like looking at pictures

of celiebrities and latest gossip. This type of girls may be studying, like shopping and fashion.
Favourite TV programs could be Eastenders and MTV.

It is a fact, that someone said for real

and lot of people would be
interested. It also uses exclamation
mark which makes it something
amazing or something really

The skyline is short and simple.

The colours of the masthead are white and
Teenagers don’t like reading
pink. This is to attract its target audience. This
long texts.
works because pink is a kind of girly colour and
with white around it stands. The font is
rounded and with not too much details. This is
the type of writing that girls like. This is called
“Top of the pops” because mainly talks about
the top/latest celebrities news.

This tells you that there is more gossip

about celebrities. This reaches its
target audience because teenagers
always want to know more and more
about their favourite celebrities.

Mode of address
Boy band Picture
He is looking straight at you. And he wants to
Used to attract the girls.
share secrets! What else would you wish for!

“How to get a boyfriend” It attracts the audience

because teenagers generally are in relationship
issues, so maybe they are interested on this.

Sell lines

One of the sell lines tells that there is a poster

Anchoring Tex
inside. This attracts the audience because if you
“Kiss & Tell” It’s large and bright pink. It like the celebrity that the poster is about, you
first is eye catching. But also what it says.. could by the magazine even when you don’t like
It is a secret about a celebrity, thing that the other celebrities.
everyone would like to know.
The other sell line tells how to look like a celebrity.
It is good because the majority of girls that like
boy bands and this type of music, also like to copy
celebrities looks.

Non-standard English: Teenagers don’t like Standard English! Let’s use vague language! They would
understand it better!

Blue, pink and yellow are eye-catching and

contrast nicely.
Because the audience are girls, and
girls like boys…Let’s put the 14 half-
dressed hotties! Girls would love it!
The target audience for this magazine are boys from 15-16 to 20 years old. They like playing games,
going out over the weekend. Go college. Favourite TV program Missfits. Favourite film Harry Potter.
Aim for a Ferrari or Mercedes, but they don’t want to work or earn not enough.

Tells you that there are a lot of

information inside for a low price. It’s
red and yellow so makes you look at it
Masthead straight away.

It’s big and white while the background and

main image are dark. Also has a bold and
‘serious’ font whereas the other titles have
childish fonts. It refers to xbox and nowdays
every teenage boy plays xbox.

‘READ IT FIRST’ it’s something new, so everyone

will want to read it.

Sell Lines

Tells you what is inside the
Something new and interesting. The word magazine so if you are not
exclusive stands out because interested you don’t buy it. But
it has really small font so
people don’t really pay
attention to it and just see
what will really appeal them

Anchoring text

It’s just the name of a game but a really

famous one. It attracts the target
audience which is boys because it’s
obviously a boy’s game, they don’t put a
fashion game on it.

It makes you want it because it has competition.

Also the’s green and white, which
Green Colour, it is very mainly but still
stands out because the background is dark.
bright and eye catching


Dark colours..It doesn’t have any pink around it. It

is very manly and attracts the target audience.
Also the main image is a soldier dressing dark as
well so it shouldn’t have anything really bright
around it because killing is not a happy thing


The connotation is that should be REALLY


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