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The Vietnam War: Intervention of the United States

Process Paper
Senior Division Group Website
Koby Craig, Cody Emmerman, Kevin Oliveira
Why we chose this topic:
Last year, in English, we read a novel, Fallen Angels, which depicted the life of an American soldier
during the Vietnam War. After gaining knowledge from this novel, we were intrigued on the subject of
the Vietnam War, so we decided to learn more. We were astounded to find the lack of respect and
admiration in the United States towards the Vietnam Veterans as opposed to the soldiers of today. After
additional research, we discovered that the soldiers not only lacked respect and admiration, but they
also had little or no support.

How we conducted our research:

First, we browsed the topic on the internet for some interesting facts. Then, we consulted a teacher at
Springstead High and she directed us to the school librarian. We looked through a vast amount of books
and decided that the topic of the Vietnam War intrigued us the most. We all knew it was going to take a
lot of research and also learning to complete a website. The three of us had ever created a website
before and had to learn about building it through tutorials. Once we learned the basic knowledge o
creating a website we immediately began working on it.

How we created our project and developed our website:

We knew the choice to create a website was going to be a difficult challenge, but we wanted to show
our research in an organized and creative way. We first made an outline of how the sign would look and
repeatedly tried to figure out the right design. Then we gathered as much information as we could and
wrote note cards putting them into different categories. Next we condensed the information so we
would get all the criteria we needed for NHD. We used Adobe Photoshop CS3 to design the layout and
make images and graphics. Also with Photoshop, we sliced the layout so that it would transform into
Adobe Dreamweaver quick and easy. We used Adobe Dreamweaver to develop the HTML and CSS

How our project relates to the theme:

When we chose the topic of The Vietnam War:  Intervention of the United States, we realized how
perfectly this fits into the theme of debate & diplomacy: successes, failures, and consequences. The
Vietnam War was the debate of the late 1950’s and 1960’s due to the fact it affected nearly every
American life for something that did not affect our country directly. Much of the debate also had to do
with the fact that there were young American men being drafted into the military in a war that was not
popular amongst American citizens. Protests broke out through the United States both violent and
nonviolent. The aspect of diplomacy came into play in the fact that North Vietnam was a communist
power on the rise, trying to take control of South Vietnam and spread their communist influence. This
caused the United States to immediately back South Vietnam due to fear of Eisenhower’s Domino

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