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Grant Baecker – 8B

FBBA’s Annual Kids verses Teachers 2008

Every year the 5th grade students come up with a brilliant plan for a surprise attack on the
teachers. This day is proclaimed as “Kids verses Teachers”. The parents predict who will win, the kids or
the teachers. This tradition has been around for two decades and is always one of the most awaited
days by all students. They spend the entire year planning an immense, surprise attack, and hope that it
will be remembered for many years to come. They taunt the teachers all year with minor clues as to
what the plan is and how it will unfold. Keeping the details of the plan a secret requires each student’s

This year, the fifth graders are planning a pie war against the teachers. They have spent their
idle time searching for blackberries in the pastures of Sienna Plantation. The blackberries will be used to
make filling for the pies. Last year there was a major drought and the black berry crop was very sparse.
However, this year the rains have left the pasture teeming with blackberries. The children collect
enough blackberries to make pies for everyone to enjoy the fun.

The big day has arrived. The children have been waiting all year to dominate the teachers. The
children have transformed the playground into the battle field. They have developed two refuges, one
for the teachers and one for the students. Two of the students have been chosen to describe the rules
to the teachers. Each side is to choose one guardian for their pie chamber. They are to designate a safe
zone for people to flee to in case they get pie in the eye. The rules have been explained and the
children are ready to afflict tasty doom to the teachers. They are assuming victory.

The children provide the teachers with a few of the blackberry pies. The intense battle begins.
The children are so excited they begin quickly throwing pies without thinking, and before they know it,
their pie supply has withered to nothing. They are left in a lurch as the teachers still have almost all their
pies. This was turning out to be a disaster for the students. They had to revert to using only the left
over blackberries they had not used in the pies.

They came up with a quick plan to hoist the bucket of blackberries to the top of the slide where
they would drop them down onto the teachers’ heads. This caused a major riot between the teachers
and students. The student’s plan consisted of one final act to close the battle with a victory. They would
launch the remaining blackberries out of a sling shot into the teacher’s bunker. The teachers spoiled
their final plan by intercepting the sling shots as they were being delivered to the students by the
principal, Ms. Meyer.

The teachers took the sling shots and began firing at the students. The students retreated to the
building in defeat. The teachers shouted with jubilee as they reigned in victory over the students.

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