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Marketing touristique: “Quelle image avez-vous du Liban?

I thank you in advance for dedicating few minutes to answer this questionnaire, that is essential
for my thesis of the MBA program. Your answers will allow me evaluate the perceived image of
Lebanon as a touristic destination, whether you have visited it or not.

* Optional

I. Open questions about the perceived image of Lebanon:

I.1. What are the ideas or images that first come to your mind when I tell you : “ Lebanon: a
touristic destination”?


I.2. If you have to describe this touristic destination as a person, what would be its main


I.3. How would you describe the atmosphere that you expect to find while visiting Lebanon?



I.4. What tourististic attractions (unique or distinctive) of which you think about the Lebanon?


I.5. What are the three words that best describe Lebanon as a touristic destination ?


II. Closed questions about the perceived image of Lebanon :

II.1. How much do you agree or disagree on the statements below?

1. Totally disagree ; 2. Mostly disagree ; 3. Disagree ; 4. Agree ; 5. Mostly agree ; 6. Totally

Statements 1 2 3 4 5 6
It is a destination rich in culture
It is a destination where we can go out, have fun and
It is a trendy destination.
It is a safe destination concerning the security of people
and belongings.
The food is of good quality.
The accommodation is sufficient and of good quality
The environment has a good quality.
The ratio quality price of the stay is good.
The hospitality is of good quality.
The touristic activities are numerous.
The infrastructures of transport (air, sea, roads) are
Lebanon has modern cities (Infrastructure, stores etc.)
Lebanon has cities rich in history
Lebanon has a lot of places interesting to be visited or
Lebanon offers pretty sites.
Lebanon has a nice weather throughout the year
Lebanon is a destination that protects the environment.

II.2. Choose the 3 statements that correspond the most with the image you have of Lebanon :

 Lebanon gives the image of a destination that is :

 Unique

 Joyful, cheerful

 Charming

 Natural

 dynamic, young

 welcoming, friendly

 Cultural

 Traditional

 Historical

II.3. Choose the statement that correspond the most with the image you have of Lebanon :

 Lebanon is a :

 Touristicly attractive destination

 Common, boring destination

 Exotic, different destination

 Touristicly « trendy » destination

II.4. Choose the 3 statements that correspond the most with the image you have of Lebanon :

 Lebanon is a destination for:

 « Green tourism »

 Sea resorts tourism

 Sports tourism

 Urban tourism

 Cultural tourism

 Business tourism

II.5. Choose the statement that correspond the most with the image you have of Lebanon :

 Lebanon is :

 A family destination

 A destination to spend vacation as a couple

 A destination to spend vacation among friends

II.5. Choose the statement that correspond the most with the image you have of Lebanon :

 Lebanon is a destination :

 To have fun

 To relax, to rest

 To spend an active vacation

III. Origin of the destination knowledge – Motivations and restraints for visiting it :

III.1. Have you ever been to Lebanon ?

 Yes (Please answer question 2)

 No (Please answer questions 3 and 4)

III.2. If you have been to Lebanon, what was the main reason behind your visit ?


III.3. If you have never been to Lebanon, would you like to go?

  Yes  No

III.4. If you have never been to Lebanon, for what reasons would you or wouldn’t you like to go?


III.5. In your opinion, on what is based the image you have about Lebanon ? (many choices are

 A previous visit to Lebanon

 General knowledge

 Word of mouth in my entourage (family, friends, colleagues)

 The media (TV reports, news, magazines)

 Touristical brochures (tourism office, travel agencies etc.)

 Forums, touristical fairs and exhibitions.

 Internet

 Other ; Specify _______________________________________________

IV. Identity :

IV.1. Name* : __________________________________________________________________

IV.2. Sex :

 Homme  Femme

IV.3. Nationality : ____________________________________________________________

IV.4. Age :

 Less than 18 years

 Between 18 and 25 years

 Between 26 and 35 years

 Between 36 and 45 years

 Between 46 and 55 years

 Between 56 and 65 years

 More than 65 years

IV.5. Please state your occupation (job title): _________________________________________

(If you are retired or currently not working for any reason, please specify your last main

Thank you very much for your help

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