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A Mexican inspired, nutritious family meal
where you can create your own fillings.

1½ cups chicken or lamb, cooked and
1 cup canned cannellini beans, drained and
½ cup sweet potato, diced and cooked
2 baby carrots, peeled and grated
1-2 avocados, finely diced
¾ cup grated lite cheddar cheese
4 wholegrain tortilla wraps
Plain yoghurt to serve
Chives, chopped

To make
Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
Spread the beans over half of each tortilla. Top with a scattering of meat, sweet potato, carrots, avocado,
chives and cheese.
Fold tortillas in half over the filling, then carefully place onto the baking tray and bake for about 7-8
minutes until the cheese has just melted. Using a sharp knife, slice each quesadilla into 4 wedges. Serve
with some plain yoghurt.

Serves 4 - 6 people

• Other ingredients that pair well; tomato, lime juice, sour cream, fish, corn, Mexican spices like
chipotle chili pepper, sweet paprika, cumin, and oregano.

Small hand helpers

Your kids can mash the beans and the potato, create their own fillings or divide up the ingredients
between the 4 tortilla wraps.

Training tastebuds
What is it with kids and vegetables? When they are babies they generally eat what we serve them after a
few tries, but they soon learn that there are tastier foods than broccoli, beans or beetroot. It’s important to
persevere as food habits and preferences formed in childhood lay the foundation for future health.
Research suggests that you may need to offer your child the same, new food 10 times before they will
accept it and grow to like it. Remember that tastes change as your kids get older, so even if they ‘never’
eat tomato, they may in fact like it today. Try not to pressure your kids into the vegetable habit or threaten
them with no dessert. Instead role model healthy eating habits and a love of veggies and always plate
some for them to try. Meals likes these fun quesadillas work for the whole family, as you can prep plenty
of veggie variety for individual tastes and preferences.

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