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Frozen yoghurt ice-blocks

A healthy icy snack rich in calcium.

300ml plain, reduced fat or Greek style
2 cups mixed frozen berries
1 - 2 tbsp honey

To make
In a blender add the yoghurt, berries and
honey, blend until smooth. Pour into ice
block holders and add ice cream sticks. Place
in freezer and allow to freeze for 3 hours
before eating.

Makes 6

• Seasonal fruits that pair well with this recipe are in autumn / winter - apples, cantaloupe,
kiwifruit, papaws, pears. In spring / summer - pineapples, watermelon, oranges and blueberries.

Small hand helpers

They could have a go at all steps or even make these all by themselves.

Milk it
Most parents appreciate that growing kids need to bone up on a minimum of 3-4 daily serves of dairy for
optimal growth and development. Packed with calcium and other key bone-building nutrients, dairy
foods are also essential for healthy teeth. But it’s common for kids to lose the milk drinking habit as they
get older. The Dietary Guidelines recommend reduced fat dairy products for children over two years of
age. If your kids turn their nose up at plain milk to drink, offer plenty of other dairy foods like reduced
fat cheese sticks, slices or cubes, flavoured milk or smoothie, fruit yogurt or tzatziki dip. And we are yet
to meet a kid who will say no to our frozen yoghurt ice-blocks. They make an excellent calcium boost
after school or for dessert.

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