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Lindquist 1

Rachael Lindquist

College Comp. 1

Mr. Reynolds




Mmmmm shut upp!!! I just want to sleep! Why did you have to come so early! Its only 7 a.m.!! I

don’t want to go to practice! Maybe I will skip? Maybe just show up a couple minutes late? I will call in

sick, that’s what I will do!

“RACHAEL ANN, get out of bed RIGHT now! You are going to be late for softball!”

“Mmm go away! I am not going! It is too early! I will fall asleep in school!” (Mom slams the

door shut! I instantly fall back asleep!)

The key to being as comfy as you can is to have as many blankets as possible. Big, small, long

short, does it matter? Get all the pillows you can, without getting a cramped neck. Curl up or stretch out

it does not matter, however you prefer, cuddle into the soft warm blankets. Fall into a deep deep sleep.

When your alarm goes off hit snooze, and again, and again, (my record is ten times). When it comes

time to wake up, fall back asleep. Make sure that your alarm is set for the time for school, when it is

time to wake up for school, fall back asleep. Wake up in a frantic and check the time, when you realize

that you are late, get up and put on some sweat pants and go to school.

Ahh I am just exhausted from this long day at school! I think I am going to go home and take a

longgg nap! Ohh I forgot I am supposed to go nope just not going to happen!
Lindquist 1

After school, go home grab a snack or two and go lay in bed or your favorite chair. You have to

turn on your favorite TV channel, preferably disney, cuddle up into your fluffy warm blankets and get

lost in your pillows, fall madly asleep.

Woahh is it morning? How long did I sleep? Why is it so dark? What time is it? Oh my gosh I am

late for school.

Calm down it is only 7:30, you have time to eat supper and do your homework. Do not get out

of your bed, if you are in your chair go to your bed a.s.a.p. Have your mom make you a sandwich or

something quick to eat. Start typing your paper that you need to write on “How to…”, when you start

dozing off don’t be afraid to fall asleep. A cat nap is needed when doing homework, especially with the

day that you have been having, long and boring.

When you wake up make sure that you are half asleep and continue typing, when you make all

those errors forget about them, they don’t matter. Ifv your papeer turnm out liikeee thiszz, ites been

doonie righttx.

If you are half asleep when you are done writing your paper, you have been successful. Now

turn off any lights that you have on and turn over in your heavenly blankets.

“Good night hunny I love you see you in the morning” You know how moms are, all loving and


Well by now you should dozing off into and long deep sleep. Goodnight!

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