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Stoneway Homeowner’s Association Treasurers’ Report

Balance on 12/25/2010 $2661.12

Power (Elmhurst) $52.00
Landscaping $415.34
Water (Firgrove, meter 1) $
Water (Firgrove, meter 2) $
Water Line Maintenance winterize park $
Property Tax $
Office Supplies/Postage $308.31
Insurance Renewal $
Attorney Fees $
Annual SHOA Picnic $
Park maintenance $
Community Fence Repair/Maintenance $
Field Cutting $
Plot I & II Drainage Maintenance $
Lighting Repair $
Secretary of State $10.00
Misc. Tree topping $218.60

Total Expenses $ 1004.25

Deposits Due’s, Other, 8/30 $1837.50

Monthly Dividends / Interest $0.58
Sub Total $1838.08

Check Book Balance $3494.95

BECU Statement Balance

(as of 1/28/11) $3494.95

Savings $5.24


Road Maintenance #1342, $2987.96 Matures on 5/11/2011

Road Maintenance #5085, $2992.81 Matures on 10/24/2011
Misc. Repairs #4863, $2745.03 Matures on 7/18/2011

We officially balance to the penny all statements vs. checkbook vs. check

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