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How effective is the combination of your

main products and ancillary texts?

Album artwork
My album artwork is a representation of Ellie Tanners
simplicity and honesty. By using a clean image and
not over complicating it by altering the background
image. The open spaces show how open she is and
the lack of material things show how she isn’t
concerned with material things or making money. I
chose an image of her alone to show that her art is
for her. The cover follows normal conventions by
including the artist title and using her as the center
Magazine advert
• Similar to the album artwork my advert is
simple and represents her as an artist. Rather
than a focus on her the image is focused on
her reflection and the way she sees herself.
Both pieces of artwork heavily feature her
unique rustic style. The font in this piece has
been designed to be edgy rather than soft as it
is more likely to grab the audience.

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