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10 Principles for the Upbringing of Children

Jun 25th, 2009 by Ahmed.

1. Teach by example, because children listen with their eyes. 2. Introduce Allah to your child: His glory, obedience to Him over obedience to anyone else, asking only from Him, Importance of the Faraaidh. 3. Introduce Rasoolullah (S) to your child: His life & times, following hisSunnah in everything in life, his Message, and his Work: Dawah. 4. Systematic education of Islam parallel with regular education: 4-5 hours/week; Arabic language, Tajweed, Qiraah ulQuran, Aqeedah, Hadith, Fiqh,Seerah. 5. Manners: Akhlaaq. Attention to detail about all aspects of behavior reinforced by your own behavior. You have to practice what you preach. 6.Concern for others : Self centered: Family members, environment, servants, strangers, road users, neighbors, shop keepers: Sensitive or senseless? 7. Physical fitness: Mothers stop pampering. Regular sports, especially team sports, nutrition, no junk food. 8. Scheduling time: Wake & Sleep early, TV, Daily Muhasiba, diary writing. 9. Responsibility: School projects, commons, home, neighborhood, 10. Drive for excellence in everything: Being No.1. Winning is a habit. So is losing. Focus on quality. Be a Standard Bearer of Islam.

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