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kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;

Though you do the best things He is the selfish one said by someone. But-please do the best.
eAac\ mc\k^;pa;la p^Suirc\ qc\.eB;na;ma qaepc\;vasa;etera rn\qetp erak\lakplim\.my\" depm.>>>eAac\ mc\k^;pa;eAac\p ki;sa;p"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

They will forget that you do to day But, please do the best.
k^;ky\ A mc\.ma;SMu; pugiol\k^;etkuietac\ Aeq;qim\ ANMuKaSMu;pugiol\el;etk ewPn\ kr> ps\tc\ Atc\;e pa ApupKtarmapp" . \ i depm.>>>k^;ky\ mc\.ma;eAac\p kMsv\p"

When you become suecessor, liars and enemies will approach you. But, try until you succeed.
Rui;Rui;e Pac.\e Pac\. pc\.pc\.lc\;lc\; e patt\t.

Even the noble great persons, the low classed memials can blamethem. But, think up to be great.
letha nimp;qetAepma estnaputt\kty\ Suepmy\. .\ i i tky\.tky\maeta. Aeps^;rqetenak\kui liuk\ta ma;ktapp" depm.>>>nim\.p;qBk\map rp\tv\p"

Atkekac\. qc\ma TiKksraet kMrNicpty\" \ . iu \ u \ depm. >>>Ru;Ru;e Pac\e Pac\. pcpclc\;lc\;p e pap" i i . .\ .\

Due to open-hearted talks, you may find disappointed. But, please tell homestly and plainly.
qc\ d^enlup\t. ekac\;kk\el;etkui mnk\ Pn\ma qtuiem;qa;kmapp" depm.>>>ekac\;kk\el;etkuip lup\p"

Though the man gives sympathy with lowermost persons, he favours and follows along the high community. But, stand on the side of lowermost persons.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;



kui;B>rSNuic\cMeta\B\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) raeta\ s Arc> kui;B>r Sraeta\

qc\ Ns\epc\;ma;sa tv\eSak\Ta;K.rtaetkui Rut\trk\ Pk\S^;tamio;lv\; KMrNiuc\tapp" depm.>>>tv\eSak\srarita Sk\tv\eSak\ p"

Arc\ Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\; erWhqa) f

qaqnapolup\cn\;ma; eSac\rk\rn\Atk\
tra;Ks\Kc\ qeta\sc\ Aepc\;tui>>>

Though ouy built well since many years, It may be destroyed. But, try to build again.
kmaelakAtk' Aekac\;SM;etkp qc\ep;K. \ u iu epm. qc\keta. nakv\;mun;t^;sraetkp pn\ep; . iu \ ui Kc\ep;kmap" depm.>>>Aekac\;SMu;kuip ep;K.p"

Nuic\cMeta\ B>tMSip\eta\ kui;B>r DmkTik Sraeta\ Arc\ Aasaralkar Arc\ mt\qv\ eAak\p qaqna polup\cn\;ma;kui eSac\rk\lk\ ripq Pc\. qd' estna' Usa sm\;Nuic\qmY kuquil\ pwc\ qaqna poNuic\kpekac\; NOi;eSa\ ekvaAp\pqv\"
s s s s s s

Though you gave the best to the people in the world, they may give you the Hatred. But, you give them the Best.

s s

s s

kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ Sm\;pedqapc\Al kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ ekac\;pedqapc\Al kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ erpedqapc\Al kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ m^;pedqapc\Al kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ eS;pedqapc\Al kui;B>rqaqnapoekac\;tiuk\ Aut\tMtuic\;eSak\rn\ wihardn Al km\;saAup\ma;Tut\ewPn\Kier; pvaprm^pedqapc\Al kk\Sk\eK, b^s^d^eK tra;eta\ma; Tut\lup\er; Dmdn pedqapc\ Al kk\Sk\eKk;sk\ ts\luM;lYc\ 6 qin\;kp\ b^s^d^eKk;sk\ ts\luM;lYc\ 6 qin\;kp\ Sk\qy\ldn\;rn\ lip\sa

10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000

kp\ kp\ kp\ kp\ kp\

50,000 kp\ 10,000 kp\ 10,000 kp\

kui;B>rSraeta\ Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kiuc\; erWhqatiuk\qs\' qdmkar^ekac\;eSac\) kui;B>r tiuk\Riuk\Pun\; - 09 213 0895' 09 505 5176 kui;B>r ss\kuic\;Pun\; - 072 22170 kui;B>rmy\eta\ Pun\; - 01-708403 kui;B>r t U^;Ag Pun\; - 09 99 70486' 09 505 5838


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;




kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

Please do the Best

ewlc;k^; m Ps\rlui c;qlTui; c;eq;eq;el;p Ps\r Ps\r>>> Ahun\ pc\;t. qim\;sn\ck\k^; m Ps\rlui NM pv\sut\ ck\eq;eq;el;p Ps\r Ps\r>>> Aew;e p;lm\;mk^; m Ps\rlui lqa;lm\;qy\el;p Ps\r Ps\r>>> enmc\;k^; m Ps\rlui ky\pc\.eq;eq;el;etp Ps\r Ps\r>>> ANuic\AROM; Ak^;Aeq;Suita pDan mkpB;' By\enra By\Bwp erak\erak\ elakts\Kc\kiu AlSc\ Akio;pNuic\Puikqa pDanpp"

186" Aekac\;SMu;qa lup\K.p

d^Bwma>>> BaAlup\kuip lup\rlup\r Aekac\;SMu; Ps\eAac\ lup\K.p"

IN LIFE ! Please do the best what ever you do.

By\qmSui kuiy\lup\rmy\. Alup\tuic\;kui menk>>>d^en>>>mnk\ Pn\ lqa;etAa;luM; kuiy\.Tk\ By\luim puimekac\;Nuic\eta.t.ATi Aekac\;SMu; Ps\eAac\ lup\K.p>>>

Even not the large whale: Be the little fish, alert; Even not the strong Hawk, male, Be the little Tailor bird. (ii) Even not the large Highway: Be the little simple Lane: Even not the Sun with Ray, Be the shining Stars of Main. Either the winner or failure, To beautify the world, the Pleasure.

WHO EVER ! YOU OR OTHER ! Than the work done since yesterday, to-day and to do on tomorrow, you must do the best.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;

tky\luima;>>> lm\;mepma tM mk\lv\;rmy\ Suirc\etac\ kmaeka\ pn\;K^Srak pn\;K^ er;qlui>>> kmaeka\ kbaSrak kba sp\qlui>>>



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

kmaeka\ g^tSrak et;q^Kc\; q^kuM;qlui>>> Aekac\;SMu; Ps\eAac\ lup\\;p"

THUS ! All the human-beings and deities will say that Look here ! The best sweeper in the world swept the road beautifully. All will cheer with pleasure. Butand The Best

IF ! Even you sweep on the road, like the artist paints the picture, like the poet writes the poem, like the musician makes the song you do the best.
dSiurc\>>> ehad^lqa;et Aa;luM;kera ekac\;kc\k nt\edwta etkp {ehad^ma kv\.ksm\;eh.>>> kma.Aekac\;SMu; qn\rc\;er;qma;k lm\;ete pac\eAac\ rc\;Ta;ta>>>} lui Aa;luM;k K^;k;ska; Suikrplim\.my\"

187" depm.>>>n Aekac\;SMu;

letha>>> ekac\;kio;Sc\ Kc\a%\ mrikt.A pc\ At mansit\lv\; k^;ma;ln\;kpty\" depm.>>>emta Ta;luik\p"

Human beings are supercilious with pride. But, love them.

qc\ekac\;taet By\elak\lup\enepmy\. {kuiy\kio;ra Atqma;pka} lui sp\s KMrNuic\pty\" depm.>>>ekac\;taetp lup\p"

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 179" d^qMu;Kk\

s s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 181" d^lui en

qBawtra;kui na;lv\p' Amn\tra;kui lk\KMp' Ama;kuieta. Kc\.lWt\ep;luik\p"

A ps\ Ps\ma ekak\rc\ esaesaktv\;k A ps\ m Ps\eAac\ en"

If you are fearful to Sin, you must not do the Sin at the begining.

Understand the nature. Accept the truth. Forgive the mistake.

182" pk\ Ns\pk\

m mpk\esn' m pk\rc\ lp pk\ qa;tt\ty\"

180" kuiy\puic\ta
s s

hut\rc\lv\; hut\lui lk\KMluik\' mhut\rc\lv\; mhut\lui qv\;KMluik\' tky\eta. kuyestnap kuypcta mhut\ i .\ i \ iu \ la;"

Do not destroy the Rule. If rule is destructed life is also.

183" Sk\lup\
sit\ mpk\pn' Aa;' tky\lui>>> sit\ pk\ Aa;\ Suirc\etac\ lupqc\taetketa. tsikmt\mt\ Sk\lpenp" \ . iu u \ u \

Please accept the Truth. Please forgive the Mistake. Ofcourse, you possess only your good will.

Don't cause distress. Don't be anxious. Even you are suffering from distress, do contiously for the suitable things.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 184" Asn\; Ns\Pk\

s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

etac\ka; ms\km\;nP;k KoMput\llel;eta. Ps\pesep."

AraAa;luM;kui qip\yuMtt\ln\;tary\, Bakuim myMutt\ln\;tary\, d^ 2-Kuha dukerak\esNuic\t. Asn\; 2-Bk\p"

Even you have no chance to be a long pine tree, on the top of mountain, you have a chance to be a bush. But, be a beautiful bush on the bank of a river.
qs\pc\ mc\. mc\. k^; m Ps\rlui ' KoMptel;p Ps\r Ps\r>>> u \ KoMput\el;etac\m Ps\r Ps\r pt\wn\;kc\n elakts\Kc\kui AlSc\t. mk\Kc\;el;eta. Ps\pesep.>>>" m Ps\rlui mk\pc\el;etp

If you strongly believe all and you does not believe all, these two ends are troublesome points for life.


185" elakts\Kc\ AlSc\

Even you can't be a long tree, you can be a little bush. Even you can't be a bush, you may be the grass. But, be the beautiful grass which can beautify the environment.
tuits\etAa;luM;ha Akun\luM; eKc\;eSac\etKv\; m Ps\Nuic\ktamui enak\luik\ Ps\krmy\ Suirc\etac\m enak\luik\ekac\; Ps\eAac\eta. lup\krmapp"

qc\ha>>> etac\Tip\Pa;epma epk\ent. Tc\;R;pc\ mc.\ mc\.k^; Ps\Kc\. mrrc\etac\m etac\ka;Tk KoMptel;eta. Ps\Kcreq;tapp" u \ .\ i depm.>>>

As the whole, we can not be the leaders. Even the followers, try to be the good followers.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 170" eAac\mc\mO



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 172" Aa;tc\;p

eAac\ mc\mOSuitaha sm\;eSac\rv\ qk\qk\ pp' dha puic\Suic\mO mhut\pB;' s puic\Siuc\mOmn\qmYha rrimO qk\qk\pp' dha eAac\ mc\mO mhut\pB;"

s s s

kel;mhut\Bn AK^mKMKc\pn' mqn\sm;q duktmhutBn Apsu mKMKc\pn' \ i \ R;entamhutBn qma;Aa;ep;qMkiu mqaya \ pn"

Success is merely the ability: it is not the possession; Every possession is only the reception, it is not the Success.

171" ep;p et;p

s s

kuiy\kp ep;Niuc\Pui et;p' qma;S^k lk\ Pn\etac\;Pui met;pn' kuiy\kp kv^Puiet;p' qma;k kpM.makiu mesac\.pn' kuiy\kp pM; pPui et;p' qma; ry\srae pamakui memYa\lc\.pn"

Do not want the that you are not Do not want the that you are not Do not want the that you are not

amusement a child. treatment a patient. applause mad.

173" p;m epk\

s s s

elaB p;eta. tra;Tc\ty\' edq p;eta. qna;kc\ty\' emah p;eta. Ama; mc\ty\'

Think of giving to others. Do not think of getting from others. Think of helping to others. Do not wait for help from others. Think of smiling to others. Do not wait for humorous talk from others.

If you have lesslohba, Dahmma is visible. If you have less dosa, Sympathy is visible. It you have less moha, Mistake is visible.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 174" piurc\ rc\;

sit\ Km\;qaKc\qla;?



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 177" ts\kuiy\eta\

qtiAriSMu; Ps\Kc\rc\ ts\eyak\tv\;p rp\tv\p" A mn\SMu; Kr^;erak\Kc\rc\ ts\eyak\tv\;p qa;p"

luitaTk\ puientaetAa;luM;kui rc\;ps\liuk\p"


Do you want satisfaction for life ? Take out and give up the exter things which are not necessary.

175" Kc\.lWt\
AraAa;luM;kui ma;ma;qi Kc\;ha ma;ma; Kc\.lWt\Nuic\ Kc\;r> Aekac\;pp"

If you want to be a courageous person, stand only one. If you want to travel quickly go only one.

178" ts\eyak\sa
By\enrakuip erak\erak\ By\elak\etac\mp k^;ky\k^;ky\ tky\eta. kuiy\piuc\Suic\ty\ SuiqmYetha kuiy\ts\eyak\sa el;pp"

Wide knowledge is the basic cause of forgiveness.

176" em.p
s s

Kc\.lWt\ep;liuk\ta ekac\;pty\>>>' em.luik\taketa. Aekac\;SMu;ep.>>>"

Forgiveness is good. Forgetting is the best.

Wherever you go; How much you possess weatlh, you possess only for one i-e you.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 161" c;n Pa;



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 164" Aeta\SMu;l

qa;elac\;Bwma erTk s,K. krtaKc\; tepmy\. AKin\tn\eta. c;ha c;pp' Pa;ha Pa;pp"

{AKc\.Aer;n AKc\.Alm\;kui By\luiyrmy\} Suitakui qirc\ - leta\ AdTk\ AdAKcAer;n AKcAlm\;kui By\AKin\ ^ .\ .\ ma sn\lWt\rmy\lui qirc\eta. puieta\t. qpep."

Embryos start together in the water. When the time arrives at a moment, fish is fish, frog is frog.

162" eA;m cim\;

s s

cimlui cim;qa;tala;' cim;lui cimqa;tala;? \ \ \ \ cim;lui eA; qa;tala;? eA;lui cim;qa;ta \ \ la;?

If you know how does you take the chance, you are the wise man. Than that of it, you are virtuous if you know when you give up the chance.

Is Is Is Is

it it it it

peaceable due to quietness ? quiet due to peace ? cold due to peace ? peaceable due to cold ?

165" qmuic\;
{kuiy\.qmuic\; kuiy\er;ty\} Suituic\; Aa;luM; mmn\Nuic\pB;' eNac\;let mt\tm\;tc\mqa mn\Nuic\tap"

163" katan Ka;ta

ka + Ka; mkaeAac\qa likp' By\eta.m m Ka; eta.B;" u \

you write your history But, all could not be right. It will be right when the newcomers accept and noted.

Far + Cut Follow up behimd, it is not so far. So you will not be separated forever.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 166" sit\k^;wc\ty\ Suita




kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 168" Amc\

ANuic\y ANiuc\kc\.tt\takui {sit\k^;wc\ty\} liu meKrB;' {sit\kel; wc\ty\} luip eKrmy\' Aa;luM;kui sanaKc\.lWt\ p^; qeBaTa;k^;pm {sit\k^;wc\ty\} lui eKlui rtap"

ASui; mc\wdk kMkmaSui;etkui eKlatt\ p^; Aekac\; mc\wdketa. kMekac\;mOetkui lk\eSac\ p;tt\pty\"

s s

The bad mind can take the bad luck. Good mind can present the good luck.

The man who forces on others is not called High minded and call Childish man. He who excuses the others is called High minded.

169" qtipo
s s

kuiy\.e KeTak\ep kuiy\rp\>>> etac\Tip\kui kuiy\.e KeTak\n kiuy\tk\' qma;k ki;nStc\ty\ Suirc\etac\ ki;kui kakamSupNctaekac\. pt\kKrmy\ Sita \ iu \ . u kui qtipp"

167" mrc\; mlc\;

Amt\mTa; t.qn m pt\qa;t.qha enac\AKma mrc\;mlc\; Ps\tt\ty\"

He who is not recognizable, He who is nor exact, may be faced with difficulties in future.

Stand on your feet. Climb up to Mountain-top on your feet. Be careful ! when someone takes up you with the help of rope, you can be dropped down.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 149" emaqa;my\



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 152" luiAp\Kk\

eAac\ mc\mOpn\;tuic\S^kui By\qetm kMekac\; eTak\mlui meta\tS erak\lakta mhut\r pB;' p^;K.t.Aekac\;etkuiqa qirrc\ emaqa;maep."

ltuic\;ma A mtm\; luiAp\enta 2-Ku ripty\" Adk {qti} n {qti} pp"

Everybody needs two things. These are Care and Courage.

You never erach the winner-post with the help of fate. you will be tired of the past if you know.

153" tn\Pui;Pt\sra
{q> pt\wn\;kc\kui q By\elak\ Akio;pql Siutan l>tn\Pui;kui Pt\rty\"

150" mqna;n
kuiy\.kiuy\kiu By\eta.m mqna;mipesn"

The value of a person is studied by looking for his work for the common good of his environment.

Do not feel pity for yourself.

154" AmOik\

151" AKin\
{AKinmrB;} me papn' ltc;ma AKinrpty\' \ i ui \ \ i depm.>>>tuituiel;p ena\"

enralenrc\>>> AqMu;mwc\eta.rc\>>> AmOik\ Ps\qa;tt\ty\' qc\. enraera mnr>la;? AqM;era wc\r>la;? \ u

Don't say There is notime Everybody has Time but it is so short.

If the place is not correct, if the place is useless, it becomes rubbish. Is your place correct ? Is your place useful ?

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 155" lk^; lekac\;



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 158" mkv^q

kuiy\epa\rWc\la p^Suirc\ kuiy\.epa\rWc\mOetkui mYewep;taha lk^;lekac\; sit\Dat\pp"

A mc\.tk\Pui mkv^t. mit\eSha el;Bk\eTak\entakui mc\Kc\t.q Ps\ty\"

When you feel happy, you give your happiness to others. It is the best heart of the gentle man.

The heplless friend for your climb, is the person who wants to see you in trouble.

156" Sn\ksui
ck\etetac\m elkuiSn\ p^; pMeq;ta>>> s c;etetac\ma erkuiSn\ p^; k;eq;ta>>> s tui ts\etlv\; elakDMmnqmY Sn\tk\kp \ sui"

159" mps\n
miBet By\elak\p Siu;Sui;ep.' ps\eta. ps\mTa; miluik\kpesn" ps\luik\rc\ ma;qa;my\ ena\"

Though your parents are naughty, do not neglect them as it will be a mistake.

The birds fly against the wind: The fishes swim against water; Let's go up against them, That of good and bad of ours.

160" mma;n
miBetBk\klv\; {c miBp} Siut. mantra;etn By\eta.m mma;mikpesn' ma;rc\ Aps\ KMrlim\.my\ ena\>>>"

157" mesac\.n
Tiuc\enqr> enak\ma lm\;elYak\Pui esac\.menpn"

It you have to walk, do not wait for a man who is sitting.

As the parents, do not say with pride that we are parents. If not, you will be negligible.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 140" l>tn\Pui;

lts\eyak\r> tn\Pui;kiu qiKc\rc\ {qBy\elak\ prhit lup\Nuic\K.ql} Siutan tuic\;tatk\Kk\kv\.p"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 143" AKin\pui

{qc\ Aqk\ 50 Ary\ma Ba Ps\enmy\} Siuta qiKc\rc\ ebdc\ mkv.\pn' {AKin\piukiu By\luiqMu;ql} Siutakuip kv\.p"

If you want to know the value of a man, you measured that how much he is doing for others.

141" qamn\ln qn\maq

qc\ {qamn\l} ts\eyak\ m Ps\Kc\rc\ {qn\maq} ts\eyak\ Ps\eAac\ ki;sa;Ta;ep eta."

If you want to know about your life of fifty years, you have no need to go to astrologers, Look for yourself how to spend your extratime.

144" eAac\mc\Kc\;
elYa.eZ;nera, AeKac\Alka; qk\qk\p By\eta.m mrNuctaketa.{eAac\ mc\ Kc\;} Sita i \ u pp"

If you does not want to be an ordinary person, try to be a strong man.

142" Kun\tk\lui mr
eAac\ mc\mOk^;et rPui ki;sa;mOel;et ma;san sK.krtapp' etac\Tip\epkui e Kts\lm\;tv\;neta. Kun\ mtk\Nuic\B;ep."

You can't get the success with low fees or without fees.

We have been started with tries to get success. We can't reach the top of mountain with only one foot.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 145" Pinp\sut\n Bura;Rup\

kuiy\.Bwkui Ba Ps\esKc\tapl? kn\;qa;eta. kn\;qa;pep.' depm.>>>



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 147" mrp\n

qc\. e Klm\; rp\entala;? tk\entala;? qtiTa;' rp\enrc\\'\"

KMPnp\st\ la;>>>? nt\Bra;Rup\ la;? qtiTa;>>>" u i u u

What kind of life do you want? you may be the teak, but What you want either torn wooden slipper or scupltured deities.

Be careful that your feet are stopping or going up. If it is stopped, it will be loose. It will slide down.

146" sn\;lg\zata
lts\eyak\r> Bwma By\eta.m A mtm\; kMSui;miu;emac\ kmenpB;' kMzatasn\;lg\ ts\kim\eta. tk\tt\pty\' By\eta.l Suitakuiqa qtiTa; esac\.>>>"

148" mp.esn
{lim\.ent. ekak\Kma By\eta.m ervHimtk\} lui Suikepmy\. mpn\;p.eAac\lv\; qtipK.U^;"

There is no constant misfortume in your life. Fortume comes atleast one time. Wait carefully for the coming of luck.

Though there is a saying that Rolling stone gathers no moss take care to get free from crush.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 130" ps\rc\ ma;

miBkui ps\ma;esa\ka;m A ps\ mhut\pB;'



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 133" p^;qa;map

s s

lm\;menpn>>> p^;qa;map' ka;menpn>>> p^;qa;map' K%el;p esac\.kv\.p' Aa;luM; p^;qa;map"

mek;em; mep;km\;B tmc\ps\Ta;rc\lv\; A ps\ pp"

If you insult your parents, you make the fault. If you does not treat them well and if you neglect your parents, it is the fault.

131" BapPs\Ps\
Baetp Ps\enpes' Aemk Aempp' AePk AePpp"

Don't miss it, it will be finished. Don't boast of it, it will be finished. Wait for awhile ! All will be finished.

134" KMNuic\rv\
What does you say, mother is mother. Father is father.

pc\;Tn\t. enprin\ekac\. sim\;Nut. qs\q^;et ekkqa;tt\ p^; rc\.mv\.t. qs\q^;etketa. wc\;mv\. lp qa;kty\"

132" mk\siPc\.

Aenak\Bk\kiu wc\qa;t. enmc\;k^;kui kv\. p^; wm\;nv\; peS;enmy\ Siurc\eta. Aer>Bk\k Tklat. lmc\;k^;r> AlAp \ etkiulv\; mc\luik\ mhut\B;ep."

The small fruits are dropped down due to the strong sun Light. The riped fruits become bright.

If you feel sorry for the sum-set in the west, you will miss the beauty of the moon which rises in the east.

kui;ByuASu\sm\mip\ dnska;ma; >r Mliuk iA; n kel;ry\ 135" mcc\;n



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 137" ekak\p

{ckqaty\' qkvM.ty\} lui zt\ m cc\;pn' kmaeka\ kbaSra' qipMpvarc\n ss\biul\Kop\k^;tiuha eyak\a;et Ps\kqlui eTac\Tk razwt\qa; Ama;suhalv\; eyak\a;etp Suita"

qts\p;k kuiy\.kui esa\ka;KMrma mekak\pn' kuyk qts\p;kui esa\ka;lukmmakip ekak\p" i \ i \ i u

Don't be afraid of an insult of others. Be afraid of the insult on the others.

138" luiAp\Kk\
Don't refuse that you are better than him. As the famous poets, Scientists and Generals are males; the prisoners in the prisons are also the males. Don't forget it.
s s

psv; 2 Ku ka;Tma {tn\P;} rPiu liAp\ty\' \ iu i u l2eyak\ka;Tmaeta. {emta} rPiu liAp\ i u ty\"

136" emkman qsa

kiuy\.ska; Kuic\maekac\; e mkmakui tuic\tv\ qsa Sui kepmy\' kuytctv\t. e mkmakera . i \ iu \ tky\Kiuc\mapr>la;? (clc\ A mlOp\ penta qtiTa;)

Value is necessary between two things love is absolutely necessary between wo persons.

139" Aer;k^;tak
{qc\ By\ql} SuitaTk\ {qc\ Balup\ql} Suitakp pui p^; Aer;k^;pty\"

Though you swear the oaths that the earth is strong. Is the earth strong that you built? Be careful of the earthquate which appears off and on.

Than who you are, it is important that what you are doing.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 122" mc\;eKeTak\



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 124" kel;el;

mc\; m^;kui e KeTak\liu namv\e pac\;rc\ rNicepmy\. u \ mc\;ts\ekac\ma e K 4 eKac\;p ripty\' Ba. ekac\.l Suieta. A m^;ha e KeTak\ Ps\mlaliu pp' d^liupp>>>"

ss\ptuic\;ma eAac\Nuic\t. kmaeka\ ss\buil\Kop\k^;p Ps\ Ps\' pic\Bk\tiuc\;kui AlTui;Nuic\t. kma. hb^;wit\ Kn\p^yMk^;p Ps\ Ps\ Aa;luM;k riKui;U^;K el;sa;krt. kma.qeta\sc\k^;etp Ps\ Ps\ Aem.r>er>emak\kui erak\rc\eta. Aa;luM;ha tky\. kel;el;etKv\;pp"

The name that the Horsefoot can be changed as the Horse tail. But, the horse has four feet. By changing the name only, the foot may not be the tail; thats all.

123" mt\ekak\

km\;tm\;t. etac\km\;p;yMetk pt ma;kui leAac\ eq;ep;qlui K;q^;t. elakDMetklv\; letkiu mt\ekak\ tc\ep;luik\kty\"

Even the General who won in battle: Even the Heavy Weight Champion who won the others; Even the virtuous noble man who was stable, All are children infront of the mothers.

Like the rough Rocky Bank shines the Ruby, the bitter vocabularies shine the human beings.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 125" ts\Ktun\;k

s s s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 127" kv^mO

Aehac\; Siuta ts\Ktun\;k Aqs\pp' Sra Siuta ts\Ktun\;k tpv\.pp' AeP Suita ts\Ktun\;k qa;pp' Aem Suita ts\Ktun\;k qm^;pp"

kuiy\ kv^K.taet em.luik\eta.' qkv^K.taet qtirep."

Forget that you help him. Remember that he helped you.

128" miBemta
miBSuta lkqa Aiepmy\. emtaketa. mAup' i u i lkqa eq;cy\epm. emtaetketa. k^;ky\p ty\"

Oldies were newels in the past: Teachers were pupils formerly; Father was the youngster at first, Mothers were the daughters surely.

126" mc\eAac\ kv\.

miBetha qa;qm^;etklv\; mc\eAac\ kv\p' iu . kuiy\.kuiy\kuilv\; mc\eAac\ kv\.p"

The parents though they are old, their love is not old. The parents though they are small, their love is large.

129" Aps\Suita
elakma mlupqc\takulpm A ps\ mhutpB;' \ . i u \ \ lup\qc\.takui mlup\rc\lv\; A ps\pp"

O Parents ! Please look for the children as much as you can. Als, look for yourselves asmuch as you can.

In life, it is the fault who does it which is not suitable to do. Also, it is the fault who does not do which is suitable to do.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 114" rk\razan pd;

s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 116" Tv\.met;n

puik\SM rit.enqv\ rk\raza>>> puik\SM pt\t.enqv\ pd;>>> ( pkdin\ mkv\.B mt\lui Ta;)

s s

tv\.tv.\p et;p' Tv.\Tv\. p^;eta. met;pn' (wipnaROt.AK psopn\tv\.tv.\pROp' kiok\ mkiok\ ewdnaet Tv\sk\ p^; mROpn") .

Money in hand , is Lucky day: Money-less day is unlucky; Without calendar we make way, Put these in head easily.

Think of straightforwardly. Do not add up the extra works. Also, think of straightforward in

by avoiding the sufferings as you like or not.

115" Aer;k^; 117" Ama;

Aer;tk^; qa;srarilYc\ menktv\;k Tqa;p" ltuic\; Ama;n mkc\;pB;' depm.>>>enak\Tp\eta. mma;esn"

If you have urgent journey, please go still on yesterday.

Everybody is not free from mistakes. But, don't make the mistakes anymore.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 118" qamvn pDan

s s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 120" mvv\;Vn

qs\ta ehac\;ta qamv' Rui;ta Sn\;ta qamv' AqMu;tv\.ta mtv\.taqa pDan"

mui;r>eAak\ma enmimeta. mui;rarc\lv\; KMrmap' enprc\lv\; KMrmap' enp miu;rata mKMKc\rc\ Asktv\;k mui;eptk\en>>> tk\menNuic\rc\ mvv\;n"

New or old form is negligible. Simple or strange form also. usefulness or uselessmess is the main.

119" Apk\SMu;
s s s

s^;pa; pk\ta Sui;ty\' namv\ pk\ta puiSui;ty\' Bw pk\taketa. ASui;SMu;"

We live undermeath the sky. Hence, we must stay in the rain, we must stay in sunbeam. Please stay on the sky if we can't stay here. If not do not give a wail.

121" mcuiek;
A mc\.kui pM; p^; tk\ep.' depm.>>>eAak\ pn\Sc\;rc\eta. mcuiek; ena\"

Loss of Wealth is very bad. Loss of name is worse. Loss of life is the worst event.

Climb up to the Height with smile But, do not cry when you climb down.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 106" tn\Piu;

{tit\tit\enrc\ eTac\tn\} qt.'



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 109" mn\ el;mn\

lmn\, enramn\, Alup\mn\, estnamn\ ry\lui mn\ 4 mnn pv\src\ Bwma BamSui eAac\ mc\Ncp p^" \ . uM iu \ (meAac\ mc\eq;rc\ mmn\eq;lui mt\)

dSiurc\ lA, kera ts\qin\;tn\pqla;?

If you stay silently the value is thousand kyats Hence, that DEAF and DUMP cost for one lakh kyats ?

107" eq Ns\eq
l>Aqk\ eqta n kuqiul\Aqk\ eqta ry\lui eqta Ns\mio; ripty\' ts\Kup rc\Kc\.rmy\ Siurc\ Bakui eqKc\.ep;ml?

Right person, right place, right job and right thoughts can give success. If it is not, something is wrong.

110" tn\, mtn\

{estnaha ltc;nmtn\} lui e patt\kepmy\. iu \ kuyBk\k estna Psc\e Pac\mt\ta mnrc\eta. i .\ . \ ltiuc\;n tn\ta eqKapty\"

There are two types of Death. One is death of human's life, another is death of charity. If one is allowed, which will be your choice ?

108" AR;n Aekac\;

{puTzena Umteka}' lSta epetaeta>>>t. u ui (R;eta. mR;kp' ekac\;\; mekac\;kp)

Every body is not suitable with goof wishes said by some one. But, good-minded and honest people are suitable for good wishes surely.

There is a saying that Human-beings are mentally defective. People are not so mad but not so good.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 111" kv\Vui el;Kk\




kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 112" qv\;KMKc\; Ass\

Amoi;qm^;et kv\VuiPuiTk\ Amio;qa;et kv\VuiPui Kk\ty\'

{qv\;KMty\} Suta mhuttakup qv\;KMrmap' i \ i huttak hutentamui Bam qv\;KMsra mlupB;' \ \ iu mhut\takui qv\;KMNiuc\pm tky\. qv\;KM Kc\; Ass\p"

Amio;qa;et kv\VuiPuiTk\ rhn\;eta\AKc\;Kc\; kv\ViuPiu Kk\ty\'

rhn\;eta\AKc\;Kc\; kv\VuiPuiTk\ kuiy\.kuiy\kui kv\ViuPui piuKk\ty\"

It is difficult to vernerate by men than the women. More difficult oint is to vernerate by Sanghas than the men. The most difficulty is to vernerate byself than the Sanghas.

Good soul or Good will is going for the false attitude. It is not necessary for the Truth. Good will becomes real if it stands by not opposing to the falsity.

113" Alup\n AROp\

Alup\et ROp\ enktala;? AROp\et lup\enktala;? (qtiTa;' pn\sU\;sa;) Alup\ etp ROp\ enpes' AROp\ eteta. mlup\mikpesn"

Are you busy ? Are you doing the problems ? Take care and think of it. You can be busy but, do not find the problems.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 97" eqKaty\



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 100" Arc\; c;Kk\

eqKataketa. eqrmy\Suita ts\Kup eqKa ty\"

s s s

Aet; rc\;m A mc\ rc\;my\' A mc\ rc\;m sit\ rc\;my\' sit\ rc\;m Alup\ rc\;my\' Alup\ rc\;m Bw rc\;my\"

It is sure that you must die, is only one truth.

98" Aepa
Aekac\;lv\; e papel' Ae palv\; ekac\;pes"

Clear Clear Clear Clear

thought gives clear vision. vision gives clear mind. mind gives clear works. works give clear life.

Please talk nicely. Be your talks are very nice.

101" mt el;Kk\ 99" KMNuic\m tv\

s s s

mhut\lv\; KM' hut\lv\; KM' KMNuic\pm KN^p" KN^pm' niban' muK erak\Nuic\ma"

lKc\; mtta kMKc\; mtluip' kMKc\; mtta sit\Kc\; mtluip' sit\Kc\; mtta Aet;Kc\; mtluip"

s s

Tolerate the true or false: Tolerant attitude will obtain; Those are going without pause, Surely NIBBANA is the main.

The man who differs from others is due to dissimilar fate. Dissimilar fate is due to dissimidar mind. Dissimilar mind is due to dissimilar thoughts.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 102" lup\p



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 104" ry\p^;eta. ema

Ak^; mt\S;pugoi l\etketac\ Aeq;qimS; pugo l\ uM iu \ uM i etk k.r> ps\tc\ ewPn\tt\ktapp" depm.>>>k^;ky\ mc\. mt\eAac\p lup\p"

elakma epa\sra ry\sraetlui Tc\mt\Ta;K.ktaetk mkaKc\ma emasraet Ps\latt\ty\ ena\' qtiTa;>>>"

Even the noble great persons, they are ridiculed by many general persons. But, try to be a noble great person.

You think that life is full of Joy and Smile. But, these can be changed to troubles soon; Take care of it.

103" eltiuk\n nc\;pa;

qs\pc\et qip\ mc\larc\ eltukta KMrtt\qlui . i \ mk\et qip\nim\.p;\; qma; nc\;takui KMrtt\ pn\tapp" (eltiuk\ta p KMmla;' nc\;e Ktakuip KMmla;)

105" ApM;n Am.

pM;ty\Suita NOt\Km\;kui Aep ek;ta' m.ty\Suita NOt\Km\;kui eAak\kui ek;ta' NOt\Km\;sel;kui ek;rta mKk\epm. Aepkuiek; p^; Ba.ekac\. mpM;Niuc\krtapl?

When the trees become so long, attacked by the windstorm. When the grass is so short, destructed under the feet. Which you like either the windstorm or the destruction under feet ?

Smiling is the lips going upwards; Crying is the lips going downwards. Though the lips can move downwards easily, why the lips are difficult to move upwards ?


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 88" cim\tan cim\;ta

cim\lui cim\;qa;tala;? cim\;lui cim\qa;tala;? qtiTa;"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 91" met;n

Bam m Ps\rc\ Bam m Ps\B; ts\KuKu Ps\rc\eta. ts\KuKu Ps\ p^" d.ekac\. Bamm Ps\eq;Kc\ ts\KuKukui met;n"

Is it peaceable due to quietness ? Is it quiet due to peace ? Be careful !

89" et;p
{enac\Kla enac\KeZ;ep.} lui e patt\kepmy\. AKuera By\eZ; epk\ental et;kv\.pU^;"

If you does not do, nothing happen. If you do something, something happened. Hence, don't think of something before.

92" mlesn
Though you say that According to the rate of goods in future, please think of it to-day.
marqn\ Ae p;picpma purkStkiu Kluttkmliu \ \ i \ \ iu \ i eta. eKa\ml pesn"

90" ekak\sra
eqrmak ekak\sra mhut\pB;' meqKc\ Akuqiul\et lup\mimakm ekak\srap"

You may not fell away; By a crush of ant in MARATHON: You may not fully fail, by a task-disturbance so go on.

Death is not fearful. But, the act of SINS BEFORE is really fearful.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 93" mk\tan emata

s s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 95" Rui;tan rc\;ta

ts\Kukui mk\mirc\ ts\KuAtk\ emarpty\' Sy\Kukui mk\mirc\ Sy\KuAtk\ emarpty\' By\eta.m memaKc\rc\ Bakuim mmk\eln"

s s s

Riu;m rc\;ty\' mRui;rc\ mrc\;B;' Rui;m e Pac\.ty\' mRiu;rc\ me Pac\.B;' d.ekac.\ >>>Bwma rc;lc\; p^; e\esKc\ \ \ rc\ Rui;qa;p"

If you want one, tired for one; If you wantten, tired for ten: To get free from of some, Cut down your need of them.


Honesty is plain: Dishonesty is bushy; Honesty is straight chain, Dis honesty is twisty. Be honest again and again, As your hobby.

94" mhut\ mKM

{kuiy\k mhut\mKM sit\Dat\' mhut\rc\ mKMB;k} Suieta. hut\rc\eka KMNuic\pqla;? pn\ sU\;sa;!
s s

96" enpuM
kM mekac\; ekac\;ekac\; en>>> kM ekac\; ekac\;ekac\; en>>>"

You say that If it is not true, I will oppose it. Do you agree if it is true ? Think of it.

If you are unfortunate, stay well. If you are fortunate, stay well.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 79" pc\p

qma;Atk\ Rup\leAac\ pc\kqlui



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 81" mPs\esn

kuiy\.Atk\lv\; sit\leAac\ pc\Pui"

edq Ps\epm. mepk\k mipesn' s sit\ vs\epm. Aa; mcy\peln' s Ks\epm. mslm\; mipesn"

As you do someone to be beautiful, you do yourself to be good-minded.

Don't be explosive though you feel angry: Don't be depressive though you feel sorry; Though you are in love, Farcet all of the passionate heart.

80" p^ti
qma;S^k rlui epa\t. elaBrmk\Tk\ qma;kui ep;Kc.\rliu epa\rt. p^tikm puiekac\;pty\"
s s s s

82" wy\liu mrtaet

Aim\kui ecn wy\lui repmy\.' na;Kuirakuieta. wy\liu mrpB;" nar^kiu ecn wy\lui repmy\. AKin\kuieta. wy\lui mrpB;" lrawc\eAac\ ecnwy\lui repm. lRuieqeAac\ ecnwy\liu mrpB;" psv\;Usaetkui ecnwy\liu repmy\. emta estnaetkuieta. wy\liu mrpB;"

Feeling of happiness is better to give others than the feeling of wishes from others.

Money can buy a house but, can't buy the Rest. Money can buy watch but, can't buy the Time. Money can buy the Rank but, can't buy the Obediency. Money can buy the Wealth but, can't buy Love and Generosity.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 83" sn\; TPui




kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 85" Aekac\;SMu; tra;

pvatt\ p^; Akc\.p ekac\;rc\ ltuic\;k liula;ty\' lluim nt\luity\' nt\luim gih\ mty\' gih\mm sn\; T ty\' sn\;Trc\ Pm\;Ta;lui mreta.B;"

ehatra;et, natra;et, Pt\tra;et ekac\;lpty\' depm. >>>kuykytc\ kc\Ta;t. i \ iu \ iu . kuiy\kc\.tra;km Aekac\;SMu;"

Hearing and reading of Dahmma are good. But, it is the best thing if you build good morality by yourself.

Every body loves the man who is educated and good-minded. If human loves, Deity also. If Deity loves, Planet also. If Planct loves, Luck comes without control.

86" z>>>z

T;Kn\Tk\ mk\qtc; etac\Tpkiu erak\K. k iu \ i \ tapp" depm. >>>zrtletp etac\Tpma kn\rs\K. i . i \ ty\"

84" AM.sra
pc\pk rtnaerWTp\ kepak\rc\ cutt\kepmy\. u i Nl;qa;Tk kuqlrtnaTup\ epak\qa;rc\eta. Mu iu \ mcuitt\kta AM.sra"
s s

The sharp people reached the



But, industrious people are left there.

87" qkiok\-kuiy\kiok\
kuiy\ kik\qlui sa;p' qma; kik\qlui wt\Sc\p"

Human-beings cry when they lost the package of gold. But, it is wonderful that they do not cry when they lost their package of Charity.

Eat well as you like. wear the clothes according to the likelihood of others.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 70" rk\sra

mtaha rk\sramhut\pB;' depm.>>>



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 72" mem.n

miB Sra eSmio;atkaetr> ekac\;mOekac\. lra wc\laK.rtamui miB Sra eSmio; atkaetr> ekac\;kio;kui pn\eSac\rk\ep;Pui"

mrak lt\eAac\ mlup\taketa. rk\srap"

Poverty is not a shamefull thing. It is shameful who does not get out of Paverty.

71" Rui;qa; kio;sa;

kuiy\kc\.tra; ekac\;Pui Rui;qa;p" eAac\ mc\Nuic\Pui ki;sa;p"

Do not forget the parents, teachers and relatives; You have the opportunity to do for them, who built up your life to be a fullgrown person.

73" tky\ Aer;k^;tak

Baetma; d^elak\etac\ Aer;k^; enrtapl? Baet By\elak\p Aer;k^;k^; eqtaelak\eta. Bam Aer;mk^;pB;"

To get the high morality; You must be honest: To get the shining victory, You must try the best.

Why are you in a hurry ? There is no important thing than your death.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 74" kM ekac\;Pui

kM ekac\;Kc\rc\ A mtm\; sns\tk kitc\ pc\Sc\Ta;p"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 76" Aekac\;SMu; l

B>d^gr^et rrc\ ekac\;pty\' depm.>>> Ama; Aa;kui;rt. l Ps\rc\eta. puiekac\;taep."

If you want to be fortunate, you must prepare always with systematic points.

The person who has been awarded as a graduate is good. But, the man of responsibility is excellent.

77" er; em; p^;m ep; 75" tn\Pui;


kuiy\kik\ta qma;kui ep;maTk\ qkik\takui er; p^;eta. em; p^;eta.m ep;p"

psv\;ts\Ku tn\Pui;ri-mri ecntiuc\;ta qt\mt\ty\" lts\eyak\ tn\Pui; rimri pva, kuiy\kc\.tra;n tuic\;ta qt\mt\ty\"

You give him which he likes, than you give him which you like.

78" Akn\;n Akio;


sa mtt\rc\ mk\kn\;' Akc\.sarit mekac\;rc\ e Kkio;' mk\l;lv\; mc\pes' e Klv\; ekac\;pes" Mu


The value of an object cost by money. The value of a person is measured by wisdom and morality.

The man who can't read looks like blind person, The man of bad-habit looks like lame person; Be he is the man of good eyes, Be he is the man of good style.


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 61" rk\raza

sns\tk mn\mn\kn\kn\ qti w^riyn tky\tm\; ki;sa;enqAtk\ entuic\;ha {rk\raza} pp"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 64" T^epk\Kc\rc\

d^Bwma T^ epk\Kc\rc\ eAac\BaelT^kui Tui;ep.' enak\Bwma T^ epk\Kc\rc\eta. miBNs\p;kiu lup\ek;psup"

For the person, who is trying regularly, with the exact true programme, every day is LUCKY DAY.

62" Alka; rta

AKin\n miBemtaha Alka; r p^; tn\Pui;qip\k^;t. Araetpp"

If you want luck in lottery, please buy a lottery ticket. If you want to strike the lottery luck in future, you treat the parents.

65" Amn\tra;n eAac\Nuic\mO

ANuic\AROM; SiutaTk\ Amn\tra;kp puiAer;k^;pty\' d.ekac\.>>>ma;ma;yc\;yc\; eAac\Nuic\PuiTk\ Amn\tra;n eAac\Nuic\Puip ki;sa;p"

Time and Parent's love are free charged, but these are of great value.

63" luitan lup\ta

luiqelak\eta. rNuic\ma mhut\B;ep.' depm.>>>lup\qelak\eta. rmap"

It is important to be true than success or failure. So, try to get true success than wrongdoer.

You can't get how much that you want, but, you will get equal amount that you do.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 66" eAac\mc\mOn AqMu;wc\ta

eAac\ mc\mO SiutaTk\



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 68" Sk\ kio;sa;

s s s

l qaqa mqaqa buic\;cc\p" sit\pp mpp sakk\p" mt\ mt\ m mt\ mt\ raePp" By\liup Ps\ Ps\ ki;sa;p"

elakma AqMu;wc\takp puiAer;k^;pty\"

It is more important to be useful than the success.

67" mem;n
qma;Bw ns\nam kuiy\ekac\;sa;my\Suit. eAak\tn\;sa;sit\mio; By\eta.m mem;mipesn"

Spin the yarn when the moon rises or not: Read the lessons with or without heart; Find out the money on profit or loss, Try hard for ever and ever alart.

Do not keep the miserable mind of lower class that you will get profit after the destruction of others.

69" ATk\tn\;sa;
ATk\tn\;sa;Bw, Aekac\;SM;Bwkui erak\Kc\rc\ u ATk\tn\;sa; Alup\, Aekac\;SMu;Alup\etkui ATk\tn\;sa;n Aekac\;SMu; Ps\eAac\ lup\p"

If you want to get higher level, do the high job. If you want to do the best job, do it well.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 53" qmuic\; qMu;mio;



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 55" ek;z;ska;

cy\cy\k mekac\;qlui k^;\; mekac\;t. {edwdt\} lui qmuic\;moi;lv\; rity\' cy\cy\k mekac\;epmy\. k^;eta.m ekac\;qa;t. {Agulimal} lui qmuic\;mio;lv\; rity\' cy\cy\klv\; ekac\; p^; k^;\; ekac\;t. {rc\rahula} lui qmuic\;mio;lv\; rity\' By\qmuic\;kui er;Kc\pql?

ts\KTmc\;ek;t.qkui {ek;z;tc\pty\} lui e paP;epmy\. ts\qk\luM; Tmc\;ek;K.t. miBNs\p;kuieta. {ek;z;tc\pty\} lui e paP;pqla;?

Devadatt was bad since young age. Ingulimala was worse in young age But, became intelligent later. Shin yarhular was perfect along the distinct period of history. Which history do you want to write ?

You say Thank you when someone feeds you once. Do you say Thank you to your parents who feed you the whole life.

56" kiotc\et;Pui
{elakma d^ken k^;ky\ mc\. mt\enkpty\ Sitaet Aa;lu;ha enak\Nsepc\;ts\ra kat. u M \ AKma Bam mhutB;} Sitakui kitc\et;Ta; \ u miK. kmy\Src\ qc\ mekac\;mOet mlupmeta.pB;" iu \ i

54" eSmoi;n qsim\;

eSmio;n ASc\me prc\ qsim\;lui mt\' qsim\;n ASc\me prc\ eSmio;liu mt\"

If you feel disappointed with relatives allot as outsiders. If you feel disappointed with outsiders allot as relatives.

You do not make the Sins, if you know that the great noble persons of today are nothing after one hundred years.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 57" tra;n mtra;

tra;taet mlup\B enrc\ mtra;taet lup\en mitt\ty\'



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 59" Atc\;m^;

A pc\k enptakui T^;eSac\;liu repmy\. wm\;Tk kielqam^; pelac\takuieta. T^;eSac\;lui mrNuic\pB;"

dekac\.>>>tra;taetkui ASk\m pt\ lup\en mipes"

If you miss to do the fair things, you can do unfair works. Soyou do the fairworks continuously.

You can prevent sunshine undercover of umbrella but, you can't prevent the impurities of mind undercover of umbrella.

58" tky\. m^;lt\ 60" sit\pk\n s pk\

qs\q; qs\rk\ sa;RMn m^;ltsa;ta Ps\erala;? ^ u \ tky\eta. kik\mkik\Siut. elaB, edq kielqa m^;et lt\eAac\sa;m tky\. m^;lt\ Ps\map" sit\pk\liuk\ta lui me papn' pk\qa;t. sitk Ps\ p^;ktv\;k pk\ p^;enp p^" \

Don't say I feel sorry Your mind is destroyed before.

You eat vegetables. Is it the fire-free food? Ofcourse, the fire-free food is the food which is free from impurities of mind such as WANTS, ANGER AND DIRTY MIND i-e LOBHA, DOSA and

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 43" Alup\



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 45" Aer;Ak^;SMu;

hiiuBk\km\; erak\Kc\rc\ pc\ly\T rk\lWc\.p' tky\ eAac\ mc\Kc\rc\ AKup slup\p"


Aer;k^;tak Aer;mk^;taetkui Aer;tk^; mlup\miPuip Aer;k^;ty\"


If you want to reach the bank; Sail the sea on boat. If you want to meet the rank, Start your work with hope.

Importance is the first choice, Unknown choice is the Second. You must do very nice, Take care which to begin.

46" Sc\Kc\p 44" As

Ps\Kc\tak SN' Ps\entak Bw' Ps\Nuic\tak s"

kiuy\.ekac\. qts\p; kuiy\ sit\ Ns\p; Sc\;r mqa;pesn"

Don't do samething to give troubles to others physically and mentally.

People's want is Desire: People's arrival is Traveller; Start your life for ever, with the best possible manner.

47" Aeq;AmWa;
Aeq;AmWa;etkui Aer;Ta;enrc\ k^;ma;taetkui lup\lui mreta.B;"

If you take care for small things, you can't do the big job.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 48" mkesn

Aa;cy\p' sit\Dat\eta. mkpn"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 51" mSc\;n

mSc\;r Kc\rc\ ASc\; mrpn"

If you feel sorry, you can be sorry. But do not depress.

If you are afraid of the Poverty, do not go down without care.

49" kuiy\Kc\;sap
Aekac\;SMu; l>kc\.wt\Siuta kuiy\Kc\;sa tra;p" llv\; mun\;ty\'

52" mcin
Ba.Aekac\;ekac\.m mvv\;Vpn' By\qkmlv\; mqna;B;"

The best ethic is to empathize the others.

50" sn\;
sn\; TKc\rc\ Alup\kui Alup\nteAac\ lup\p"

Don't wail for problems. Complaints are hateful. no one will never sympathize with you.

If you want to be lucky, work well while you work.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 32" Atn\; qMu;tn\;

lmn\rc\ 3 tn\;eta. eAac\rmy\'



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 35" ekak\qla;

pc\ly\T qa;rc\ lOic\; et>map' elakTma enrc\ elakDM et>map' lOic\; met>Kc\rc\ pc\ly\T mqa;n' elakDM mkMKc\rc\ elakTma menn"

qc\pva, kMpva, kuiy\et>pva Suit. 3-tn\;"


A real man must pass up three classes, i-e Education, Thoughts and the Practical works.

33" mkc\;Nuic\
ecdg;kui eTKc\;ksa;lui repm. eq Kc\;tra;kuieta. ekkc\;qa;lui mrNiuc\pB;"

If you go to the sea, you will find waves. If you live in Saciety you will find good and bad. If you are afraid of these, don't go to the sea and saciety.

Though you can play with the silver coil, you can't avoid the Death.

36" eqr meqr

qeta\ekac\; Ps\m Ps\, qeta\ekac\; ss\ mss\ qiKc\rc\ AKu eqr meqr pn\et;kv\."

34" mri mPs\

sit\Dat\kqla;? pn\ekak\Ta;' Aer;k^;ty\' q mrilui m Ps\B;"

Are you depressed ? Please take up. It is important the be present of it.

If you want to know that you are a real virtuous person, think of yourself that you can face the Death recently or not.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 37" pui kio;sa;

pTmn dutiyha Aew;k^; mhut\' nv\;nv\;el;p puiki;sa;"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 40" puiekac\;t. l

eAac\Nuic\qTk\ tn\Pui;riqk puiekac\;ty\"

First and Second are not so far, please try a little more.

The valuale person is better than the conqueror.

41" Aekac\;SMu;p lup\ 38" qti

qc\.enra nMpt\ 2 ha 3 ken tk\qa;tala;' 1 ken Sc\;latala;? qtiTa;!
s s

Tc\;R;pc\ m Ps\B mk\pc\p Ps\r Ps\r AlSMu; mk\ Ps\eAac\ lup\' qmtm Ps\B tM mk\sv\;p lv\;rlv\;r Aekac\;SMu; lv\;"

Is yourplace the second, descended from the first or ascended from the third ? Take care of it.

39" d^liu lup\

k^;ky\eAac\ lup\' ekac\;eAac\ lup\' puiekac\;eAac\ lup\"

Even the grass instead of the pine-tree, try to be most beautiful. Even the sweeper instead of the President, try the best.

42" Aet;
ss\Suita sit\k sty\' sit\Suita Aet;AaRMuk sty\"

Do just to be great. Do just to be good. Do just to be better.

War starts from Thought. Thought starts from Feeling.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 22" pvari Suita

lSiuta l>Aekac\; qirmy\' puiqit.qha pvarip"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 24" d^lui enrc\

d^liuenrc\ d^luip enrmy\' d^liumenm d^liu menrma"

Human must know human-life. The person who knows more, is the wise-man.

By doing nothing , life is nothing. By doing well, life is well.

25" mlpn 23" l qMu;eyak\

s s s

lk\Kv\;qk\qk\ lup\rc\ Alup\km\;qma;' lk\era U^;eNak\plup\rc\ pvaqv\' lk\era U^;eNak\era NluM;qa;p lup\rc\ ANupvarc\"

kuyenak\mpmy\. raT; gu%qn\ sv\;simUsaet i .\ \ i \ Atk\ kuiy\.enak\pmy\. Akuqiul\etn mlmip esn"

For the useless things like Rank and Wealth, do not change the merit with Sin.

He who works with hands is a labourer. He who works with hands and head is the skilled man. He who works with hands, head and heart is an artist.

26" kiok\, mkiok\

kiuy\kik\takuip mlup\qc\.B;' kuiy\lup\qc\.takuip kik\rmy\"

Don't do as you like. You must like the suitable things that you can do.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 27" qrekac\; Suita

s s



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 29" l>tn\Pui;

Da;tuienrc\ er>ts\lm\; tui;Kut\' qma; ts\lm\;lm\;rc\ kuiy\k 4-5-10 lm\; lm\;' qrekac\;mn\rc\ rsm\;qti luMlw^riy ris m"

lts\eyak\r> tn\Pui;ha prhit p"

The value of person is the Responsibility for other.

If your sword is short go forward. While the others go one foot, you go four, five, ten feet. Really, a hero must have courage and industrialism.

30" Bam mhut\


rhNa mhut\eq;qmY By\qm Bam mhut\eq;pB;' p^;\; p^;tapp' m p^;eq;luiqa m p^;eq;tap"

28" eKc\;n AmOik\

s s

eKc\;ha AmOik\pMu mhut\' eKc\;Tkui AmOik\et mTv\.n"

If you are not Arhat, life is not relevant. When life is relevant, all are finished. If life is not finished all are not finished.

31" Kuic\;sm\;p
s s

Head is not a rubbish. Do not put rubbish into the head.

qma;Kuic\;m lup\ta-kn\ qKc\ Ps\Kc\rc\ kuiy\kuikuiy\ Kuic\;"

You will be slave if you are doing under bidding. So, bid yourself to become a master.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 11" By\lui ep;tal

ts\ents\lM pugM By\mer>epmy\.



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 13" lSiu;n lekac\;

s sit\ekak\rc\ lekak\ Ps\ty\' s sit\Sui;rc\ lSui; Ps\ty\' s sit\ekac\;eta. lekac\; Ps\ty\"

pugkiu ekaKuc; p^; e p;rc\eta. By\eta.m merak\B; M i \ mt\"

You run facing for PAGAN you will reach there; Because, Pagan was not movable, if you run against Pagan you can't.

If you sulk, you will be sulky man. If you are bad-minded, you will be bad man. If you are good-minded, you will be good man.

14" lk\et> pp
{c Balup\Nuic\ty\} lui mka;pn' c Balup\Nuic\ekac\; lk\et> pp"

12" qMeyazU\ Suita


Ks\tam qMeyazU\ mhut\B;' mun\;talv\; qMeyazU\p" Ks\t.qkuim em.luimrta mhut\B;' mun\;t.qkuilv\; em.lui mrB;"

Don't boast what you can do. Please show the skill practically.

15" Aa; c;Ku

qaqnapKc\rc\ lAc\Aa;, ecAc\Aa;, psv;Ac\Aa;, sitDat\Aa;, \ \ Nuic\cMeta\Asui;rAa; liu Aa; 5 Ku luiAp\pty\"

Not the love is a bond, i-e SAMUDAYA, Hatred is also a bond (ATTACH MENT). Love is not forgettable, hate is also.

To do the missionary work, man power, money, things, mental power and Governmental aid are needed.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 16" Bwn Bwc\

Bw mc\.eAac\lup\p' depm.>>>Bwc\eta. m mc\.eln"



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 19" mlt\esn

miu;kui emYa\kv\.p' depm.>>>e KeTak\n e mk^;neta. mlt\esn"

Build up your life. But don't be conceited.

Look up the sky. But, be careful not to detach the foot from earth.

17" estnael;p Tv\. 20" erqa Kuiq

BaAlup\p lup\lup\ AlupTma estnaekac\;el;p Tv\ep;lukp' \ . i \ Bap erac\;erac\; estnaekac\;el;p Tv\erac\; . p" qk\qa Kuit.lha By\eta.m mqk\qaB;"

Keep good attention what does you are doing. Treat generously what does you are selling.

If you stay easy going, you will be uneasy always.

21" kn\ 18" Aekac\;SMu; Suita>>>

s s s

kuiy\.kui kuiy\Kuic\;p" kuiy\mKuic\;rc\ qma;k laKuic\;lim\.my\"

Rup\eKarc\ ekac\;ty\' Ae paekac\;rc\ puiekac\;ty\' Alup\ekac\;takm Aekac\;SMu;"

Beautiful looking is good. Well talk is better. Well doing is the best.

Bid yourself. If not, others will bid you.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 1" tv^mO

kuiy\kik\ta kuiy\ lup\ kuiy\ Ps\rc\ kuiy\ KM"


kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 4" lyut\ma Suita

miBkui sm\;Nuic\plk\ mlup\ek;B tmc\ps\Ta;rc\ ek;lv\; tc\my\' lyut\malv\; Ps\ty\"

Do just as you like. If disappointed, suffer yourself.

2" lup\ysm\;p
prm^ pv\.eAac\ esac\.menpn' etac\; mypn' lup\ yp"

You will be evil doer and have to pay debt, if you turn a blind eye to your parents.

Do not wait for gift (PARAMI) Do not ask for Help; Do yourself.

5" leta\n lekac\;

s pvatt\rc\ leta\

3" qeta\ekac\; Suita

s qk eta\eta\ meta\eta\

Akc\.saritekac\;rc\ lekac\;'
s leta\lv\; Ps\pes'

kuiy\k eta\eAac\enrmy\'
s qk ekac\;ekac\; mekac\;ekac\;

lekac\;lv\; Ps\pes"

kuiy\k ekac\;eAac\enrmy\"

Try to be the others Try to be the others

adequate, though are adequate or not. better, though are good or bad.

It you are educated, you will be a wise-man. If you possess morality, you will be a virtuous man. So you must have both.

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; 6" AKs\n eqak

s AKs\ts\Kurirc\ eqakts\Ku rity\'



kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) 9" cui-mcui

s AKs\ts\eTac\rirc\ eqak ts\eTac\ rity\' s AKs\mrirc\ eqaklv\; mriB;"

eSmoi;pk\, Usam, eragsRMuneta. mcuipn' Akc\.pk\, Baqapk\rc\qa cuip"

One love have one anxiety Thousound loves have thousand anxieties. no love have no anxiety.

Do not cry for loss of relatives, wealth and suffering from diseases. Cry for loss of morality and religion.

7" mvan
lkuip valuirmy\' kMkuieta. valui mrB;"

10" dp rmy\
s dp et;eta. dp sU\;sa;eta. dp rtaep.' s sap et;eta. sap sU\;sa;eta. sap rtaep.' s tra;p et;eta. tra;p sU\;sa;eta. tra;p

You can bluff the human but you can't bluff the fate

8" mPs\Kc\n
m Ps\Nuic\takui Atc\; m Ps\Kc\pn' BwSiuta ts\Kuep;m ts\Kurt. l>Bwp' mAuiKc\rc\ ApioBwn eq"


Do not make the impossible things. Human life is on the nature of "GIVE If you fear of oldies you may die during the young age.

Think for one, you get one. Think for learning or teaching, you get lessons. Think for Dahmma, you get Dahmma.


kui;B>r ASu matika iAmin\ dnska;ma;

49" kuiy\Kc\;sap 50" sn\; 51" mSc\;n 52" mcin 53" qmiuc\; qMu;mio; 54" eSmoi;n qsim\; 55" ek;z;ska; 56" kiotc\et;Pui 57" tra;n mtra; 58" tky\. m^;lt\ 59" Atc\;m^; - 27 - 27 - 28 - 28 - 29 - 29 - 30 - 30 - 31 - 31 - 32 73" tky\Aer;k^;tak - 38 74" kMekac\;Pui 75" tn\Piu; 76" Aekac\;SMu;l 77" er; em;p^;m ep; 78" Akn\;n Akio; 79" pc\p 80" p^ti 81" mPs\esn 82" wy\luimrtaet 83" sn\;TPui 84" AM.sra - 39 - 39 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 41 - 41 - 42 - 42 - 43 - 43

kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa) matika

97" eqKaty\ 98" Aepa 99" KMNuic\m tv\ 100" Arc\; c;Kk\ 101" mt el;Kk\ 102" lup\p - 49 121" mcuiek; - 49 122" mc\;eKeTak\ - 49 123" mt\ekak\ - 50 124" kel;el; - 50 125" ts\Ktun\;k - 51 126" mc\eAac\ kv\. - 60 - 61 - 61 - 62 - 63 - 63 - 64 - 64 - 64 - 65 - 65 - 65 - 66 - 66 - 67 - 67 - 68 - 68 - 68 - 69

103" eltuik\n nc\;pa; - 51 127" kv^mO 104" ry\p^;eta. ema 105" ApMo;n Am. 106" tn\Pui; 107" eq Ns\eq 108" AR;n Aekac\; 109" mn\ el;mn\ 110" tn\, mtn\ - 52 128" miBemta - 52 129" Aps\Siuta - 53 130" ps\rc\ ma; - 53 131" BapPs\Ps\ - 53 132" mk\siPc\. - 54 133" p^;qa;map - 54 134" KMNuic\rv\

60" sit\pk\n s pk\ - 32 61" rk\raza 62" Alka;rta 63" liutan lup\ta 64" T^epk\Kc\rc\ - 33 - 33 - 33 - 34

85" Aekac\;SMu;tra; - 44 86" z>>>z - 44

87" qkiok\ kuiy\kiok\ - 44 88" cim\tan cim\;ta 89" et;p 90" ekak\sra 91" met;n 92" mlesn - 45 - 45 - 45 - 46 - 46

111" kv\Vui el;Kk\ - 55 135" mcc\;n 112" qv\;KMKc\;Ass\ 113" Alup\n AROp\ - 56 136" emkman qsa - 56 137" ekak\p

65" Amn\tra;n eAac\Nuic\mO - 34 66" eAac\mc\mOn AqMu;wc\ta - 35 67" mem;n 68" Sk\kio;sa; 69" ATk\tn\;sa; 70" rk\sra 71" Rui;qa; kio;sa; 72" mem.n - 35 - 36 - 36 - 37 - 37 - 38

114" rk\razan pd; - 57 138" liuAp\Kk\ 115" Aer;k^; 116" Tv\.met;n 117" Ama; 118" qamvn pDan 119" Apk\SMu; 120" mvv\;Vn - 57 139" Aer;k^;tak - 58 140" l>tn\Pui;

93" mk\tan emata - 47 94" mhut\mKM 95" Rui;tan rc\;ta 96" enpuM - 47 - 48 - 48

- 58 141" qamn\ln qn\maq - 69 - 59 142" Kun\tk\lui mr - 59 143" AKin\pui - 60 144" eAac\mc\Kc\; - 69 - 70 - 70

kui;B>r ASu matika iAmin\ dnska;ma;

145" Pinp\sup\n Bura;Rup\ - 71 169" qtip 146" sn\;lg\zata 147" mrp\n 148" mp.esn 149" emaqa;my\ 150" mqna;n 151" AKin\ 152" liuAp\Kk\ 153" tn\Pui;Pt\sra 154" AmOik\ 155" lk^;lekac\; 156" Sn\ksui 157" mesac.\n 158" mkv^q 159" mps\n 160" mma;n 161" c;n Pa; 162" eA;m cim\; 163" katan Ka;ta 164" Aeta\SMu;q 165" qmuic\; - 71 170" eAac\mc\mO - 72 171" ep;p et;p - 72 172" Aa;tc\;p - 73 173" p;m epk\ - 73 174" puirc\ rc\; - 73 175" Kc\.lWt\ - 74 176" em.p - 74 177" ts\kuiy\eta\ - 74 178" ts\eyak\sa - 75 179" d^qMu;Kk\ - 75 180" kuiy\piuc\ta - 75 181" d^luien - 76 182" pk\ Ns\pk\ - 76 183" Sk\lup\ - 76 184" Asn\; Ns\Pk\ - 80 - 81 - 81 - 82 - 82 - 83 - 83 - 83 - 84 - 84 - 85 - 85 - 86 - 86 - 86 - 87

kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

ASiuAmin\ma;Atk\ Amaska;
saAup\et e mak\ ma;sa Pt\ROraken et;sra el;et ma;saprlaKpty\" et;srael;et rlam . eta. e pasrael;etlv\; rlaK. p^ep." dekac\. eha i tra;etma Aet; dn ska;el;etkiu S^ela\ra Tv\qc; e pa pKP;qliu er;p^;Kt. saAupel;etmalv\; . \ . . \ ki;ka; ki;ka; er; pK.P;tapp" depmy\. et;sraetera er;sraetera e pasra etp Sk\p^; rienSpp" Aa;lp\t. tKin\Kin\maeta. d^dnAet;A mc\ ts\pdkp sats\ApA Ps\n pn\er; u \ ui u \ pU^;map" Kueta. saPt\qet a%\rqelak\ kikqliu i \ kik\qelak\ Pn\kk\et;Niuc\t. satiu sasel;et A Ps\np Pn\Ki ewcliuk\pty\" d^dnetAa;luM;kiu Pt\mit. saAup\et, e paK. kt. ska;etTken Sc\pa;Tutyekac\; wn\Kska; . \ M kitc\ e paka;pty\"

- 77 185" elakts\Kc\ AlSc\ - 87 - 77 186" Aekac\;SMu;qa lup\K.p - 90 - 77 187" depm.n Aekac\;SMu; - 92 - 78 - 78

166" sit\k^;wc\ty\ Suita - 79 167" mrc\;mlc\; 168" Amc\ - 79 - 80

kui;B>r Sraeta\ 18-6-2008


kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;

qbdnM DmdnM zinati

kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

kiu;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma; Tut\ewmO mt\tm\;

AlAa;luM;tiutc\ tra;Alqv\ Amt\SMu;Ps\f

Amt\tr Dmdn lk\eSac\mn\ Dmdn Alrc\


d^saAup\el;kui kuiqk\eAac\(kmaeA;) k Atc\;kn\pta sas^p^; kuieka\mc\;emac\k mk\NaPMu; d^zuic\; er;Spty\' edNuNuwc\; (m-06656) elakpl puNptk'\ Amt\ 84' lm\; 50' puznetac\' M i \ iu \ rn\kn\ mi>ma Atc;n mk\NaPM; puNp\ p^; qaqnaer;U^;s^;@an vWn\ ka; u \ u M i er;m; U^;vn\emac\k mt\puMtc\Amt\ 03843/02407 n Tut\ew pty\" stc\Tut\ewt. kalk 2008 KuNs\' zliuc\l Aup\er 10000 Ps\pty\"

mt\budtra;eta\ma;pn\ pa;er;DmePac\ed;rc\;As^AsU\
d^saAup\ApAwc\ tKa; tra;eta\ saAup\el;ma;kuiera tra;eta\ kk\Sk\eK, tra;eta\ b^s^d^eK, tra;eta\ Am\p^qr^; s^deK, staetkp Akio;Amt\ lu;w (lu;w) myB ku;B> rtra; ^ iu M M i eta\ma; pn\pa;er; DmePac\ed;rc\;ken mrc\;eZ;NOn\;n Pn\Kiep; enpty\"



Dmlk\km\;sasU\ma; Pn\ Kier;As^AsU\ (1)

d^Dmlk\km\; tra;eta\ saAup\el;etkui mKc\mmKio' zmd^p saep' Amt\(97) erWtiguMBura; Aer>muK\' rn\kun\mi>" AimPn;- 0999-73746' 01-381833 luic\;K (237)' \ u \ Suic\Pun\;- 01-378623 k Pn\Kipty\"

{Alrc\ma; wm\;emak\Py\ }
ku;B> r Sraeta\ ehaka;er;qa;posuqv\. Nsra kp\tn\ i \ saAupmio;sMu AmtsU\ 1-m 50-ATi' ts\rakp\tn\ saAupmoi;sMu \ \ \ Amt\sU\ 1-m 20-ATi' susuepc\; Aup\er (70) Tm kiok\ Nsqk\ra saAupma;kui ewc ldn\;lui kplYc\ kp\q;eqac\; \ \ uM tn\P;ui ATk\ maypk rn\kn\ mio>Tqiu puep;pmv\" ny\mio>ma;qui u i lv\; tc\puiep;pmv\"

Dmlk\km\;sasU\ma; Pn\ Kier;As^AsU\ (2)

kui;B>r qaqnapekac\;tiuk\
(42) rp\kk'\ bulm;bT;lm\;mk^;' mhagNaRMu mttc'\ i \ \ iu (w!\ek;eta\epBura;' Dmest^ekac\;' naer;kv^mOAqc\; RMu;Kop\tui An^;) dguMmio>qs\ emak\puic\;' rn\kun\mio>" Pun\; 01-708 403' 0999-70486' 0921-30895

Pun\; 072-22170' 01-708 403' 092-130-895

kui;B>r ASuiAmin\ dnska;ma;

AgBiDz erWkc\qaqnapuic\ ss\kuic\;erWhqaSraeta\Bura;k^;f tpv\.rc\; qkq^h qame%eka\' qaqnDz Dmasriy' qaqnDzqir^pwrDmasriy' winywid' Agutrnikaywid' d^Gnikaywid'mzimnikaywid' qMyutnikaywid' Asui;r gNwskpit' qdmezatikDz qaqnap ny\lv\.DmkTik Nuic\cMeta\ B>tMSip\eta\ (9) B>r

matika kui;B>rSraeta\ s Arc\Aasaralkar (ss\kuic\;'erWhqa)

1" tvmO ^ 2" lup\ysm\;p - 9 - 9 25" mlpn 26" kiok\, mkiok\ - 18 - 18 3" qeta\ekac\;Siuta - 9 4" lyut\maSuita - 10 27" qrekac\; Suita - 19 28" eKc\;n AmOik\ 29" l>tn\Pui; 30" Bam mhut\ 31" Kuic\;sm\;p 32" Atn\; qMu;tn\; 33" mkc\;Nuic\ 34" mrimPs\ 35" ekak\qla; 36" eqr meqr 37" puikio;sa; 38" qti 39" d^liu lup\ 40" puiekac\;t.l - 19 - 20 - 20 - 20 - 21 - 21 - 21 - 22 - 22 - 23 - 23 - 23 - 24

5" leta\ n lekac\; - 10 6" AKs\n eqak 7" mvan - 11 - 11 - 11 - 12 - 12

(ss\kuic\; erWhqa)

8" mPs\Kc\n 9" cui-mcui 10" dp rmy\

11" By\lui ep;tal - 13 12" qMeyazU\ Siuta - 13

kui;B>r ASiuAmin\ dnma;

Philosophical Theories of
A SHIN A CA RA LAN CA RA Tramslated into English by

13" lSui;n lekac\; - 14 14" lk\et>pp 15" Aa; c;Ku 16" Bw n Bwc\ - 14 - 14 - 15

17" estnael;p Tv.\ - 15 18" Aekac\;SMu; Siuta - 15 19" mlt\esn 20" erqaKuiq 21" kn\ 22" pvariSuita 23" l qMu;eyak\ 24" d^luienrc\ - 16 - 16 - 16 - 17 - 17 - 18

41" Aekac\;SMu;p lup\ - 24 42" Aet; 43" Alup\ 44" As 45" Aer;Ak^;SMu; 46" Sc\Kc\p 47" Aeq;AmWa; 48" mkesn - 24 - 25 - 25 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 27

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