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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

10th GRADE SCIENCE RECOVERY SUPPORT WORKSHEET III TERM NAME: _______________________________________________ TENTH GRADE [10th] DATE: ________________________________________TEACHER: David D Avila Arce Recommendations to submit the scholar work: Handwritten, in white sheet paper (folder) with: cover, sub-cover, introduction, development and conclusions.
1. Define pollution 2. Write six different kinds of pollution 3. Draw images to explain these kinds of pollution -water pollution pollution. 5. Write an article about the consequences of the pollution in the human and animal health. 6. Define global warming 7. Draw an image to explain the global warming phenomena 8. Write a list of five causes of global warming 9. Write a list of five consequences of global warming 10. Write a list of five control measures to avoid of global warming phenomena 11. Create a cartoon explaining the global warming. 12. Define animal hunting 13. Make a conceptual map about the different kinds of animal hunting 14. Draw images to explain at least four different kinds of animal hunting. 15. Write a letter to a friend talking him/her about the positive and negative animal hunting methods. -soil pollution -air pollution -noise pollution

4. Make a conceptual map explaining the causes and consequences of the four main kinds of

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