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BIOL 111 Exam 2 Study Guide

Just a hint, as you study, focus on the bold-faced words. If you know your terms, you can figure out the rest. Knowing your prefixes is extremely helpful (e.g., osteo, chondry, lyse, etc). Also, this is just a guide. I cannot guarantee that every question from the exam will be mentioned here. This is to only help direct your study! Chapter 3 What are the main functions of the plasma membrane? Know the major organelles of the cell and their basic functions (nucleus, ribosomes, rough ER, smooth ER, Golgi apparatus (cis vs. trans face!), centrioles, lysosomes, peroxisomes, Know which organelles are membranous or nonmembranous The plasma membrane has many types of membrane proteins, know the basic categories and their function Know the 3 main ways cells connect (junction) with each other, names, and function What are the three filaments found in the cytoskeleton, where might you find them? Know the basic equation for cellular respiration (the chemical reaction that occurs in the mitochondria) What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes? Where are they found? Know the four bases found in DNA, which pair with each other, as well as their function (hint: whats a codon?) The plasma membrane is selectively permeable, what passes freely? What requires assistance? What are the different methods molecules are able to pass into a cell? (passive, active, diffusion, osmosis, receptor-mediated transport, vesicular transport) What is a concentration gradient? What factors effect diffusion? Know the difference between isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions and their effect on a cell Know the main steps in cellular division (basic mitosis), what happens inside the cell at each step Chapter 4 Know the four main types of tissues found in the human body and general functions and distinguishing characteristics in the body Epithelial tissue is named based on shape and layers. Know where you might find each main type of epithelial tissue (including transitional and pseudostratified epithelium) Know the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands (e.g., where they secret their products. Be able to differentiate between apocrine, holocrine, and merocrine glands) What are the classifications of connective tissue? What types of tissue might you find in each classification? There are nine cells in connective tissue proper, what are their main functions? There are three fibers were discussed, elastic, collagen, and reticular. What makes them different? Where might you find them? What is the perichondrium? Where do you find it? Know your three types of cartilage and main areas where you may find it (including development or at articulations)

Know the difference between ostocyte, osteoblast, osteoclast, and osteoprogenetor cells (mesenchymal cells) Know the basic structure of an osteon, including the central/haversian canal, canaliculi, lacunae, circumferential lamellae, perforating canals What are the differences/similarities between compact and cancellous/spongy bone Know the four types of membranes found in the body (most should be review for you, synovial is new) Know your three types of muscle, where you find them, and their similarities and differences, see table below:
Muscle Type Feature Striations Multinucleated Voluntary Smooth No No No Skeletal Yes Yes Yes Cardiac Yes No No

What are the differences between neurons and neuroglial cells? Know the basic anatomy of the neuron (cell body, axon, dendrites, etc) What is the purpose of the nervous system? Know the two main divisions of the nervous system Tissues maintain homeostasis through inflammation and regeneration, please review both of these and how they are helpful to homeostasis (e.g., mast cells release products [like what?] that stimulate an inflammatory response

Chapter 5 You should know the three layers to the integument system, as well as the major functions of the skin What are the distinguishing characteristics between epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis? Of the five layers of cells in the epidermis, you should know what layer has cell division occurring What is a dermal papilla What is the function of melanocytes, how is melanin important to us? What is the function of keratin? Where can it be found? Which layer of the epidermis is the exposed layer of our skin? What is the average time for the skin life cycle? There are two types of perspiration, what are they and how are they different? What pigments influence skin color? What other factor(s) can affect skin color? What illnesses are associated with skin discoloration? What is the importance of vitamin D, how do we obtain this important vitamin? What are the two main layers to the dermal layer, how are they different? What are lines of cleavage? How might a surgeon take into account lines of cleavage when he/she makes their incisions? What is the purpose(s) of innervation to the skin? What is the basic structure of the hypodermis/subcutaneous layer?

What is hair, what might you find associated with it (e.g., glands, arrector pili muscle) What is the difference between terminal and vellus hair? Know your exocrine glands of the skin What type of cells produce scars, what is a keloid?

Chapter 6 What are the functions of the skeletal system? What are the two main divisions of the skeletal system? What bones might you expect to find there? There are six classifications of bone, what are these? (hint: long, irregular, flat) Know the basic structure of the long bone (diaphysis, metaphysic, epiphysis, etc) As mentioned for Chapter 4 know your microscopic anatomy of the compact bone (osteon, perforating canals, haversian canal, canaliculi, lacunae, circumferential (concentric) lamellae, etc.) What is the periosteum, what is the inner cellular layer called and its function? of bone is made from this mineral, the remaining is made from? Know your bone cells, and how they are different! What are the differences between red and yellow bone marrow? What is the endosteum and where might you expect to find it? Why is it important? What are the two methods of ossification? Where/when do they occur? What are epiphyeal lines? How are they important to bone growth? How does exercise influence bone growth/strength? Vitamin D? Dietary calcium? What two hormones regulate calcium in the body? What is the main effect of each? What is osteopenia? Who are more at risk? What bones are more susceptible?

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