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By Swetha Vontela

Rules - when caught in flood Get to higher ground immediately Never cross running flood water Be especially careful at night

Flood images

Flood images

Science that deals with the waters of Earth- their properties, behavior and distribution People how use this science are called Hydrologists

Hydrologist - tools
Rain gauge weighs and charts rainwater as it falls keeping a record on a paper Snow tube tools used to insert into snow to get a sample and weighed to determine the water equivalent Gauging stations to measure the stream flow of water that causes floods Satellite Images provide changes in streams on land which predict floods

Does a flood have anything to do with earthquakes and tsunamis ?

Yes, because those things cause floods. Some other causes are soil erosion and too much precipitation (snow and rain)

Flash Flood - Facts

Flash floods kill more people than Hurricanes Water moving at 4 miles per hour exerts a force of about 66 pounds on every square feet of anything it encounters

Is flood water fresh water or salt water?

If you guessed fresh water you are mostly right. Floods usually come from a body of freshwater caused by precipitation If you guessed salt water you were right in one case Floods caused by tsunamis are salt water

What are one of the most destructive floods ever recorded?

The flood of Huang He river of 1887 killed over a million people People built levees to raise the bank but it still failed The Huang He river is called the river of sorrow because it caused floods frequently

Do you think floods are big killers in America?

If you said no, you were wrong Floods are the second biggest natural killers in America The average killed every year is 84 The biggest natural killer is Hot weather which kills an average of 237 people every year

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