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nome kead|ng keport no3

Name 8oxanne v Canlas Sect|on Molave

1|t|e of the se|ect|on A Pome lor 1he new ?ear Author of the se|ect|on u aulo ulzon
C|ass|f|cat|on of the story ShorL SLory
keference Lngllsh lllnew LdlLlon Author of the reference !oseflna ayawalCabrlel
1|me When Mang LsLong bulldlng Lhelr new house Lwo days before new year
|ace ln Lhe vacanL loL where Lhey bulldlng Lhelr new house
a ,ang Lstong Lhe faLher
b ,other
c ,e|kor Lhe son of Mang LsLong
d I|cta daugLher of Mang LsLong
e 1he dr|ver a man wlLh pockmarks on hls face who humlllaLed Mang LsLong
Conf||ct When Mang LsLong was humlllaLed by Lhe drlver of Lhe owner of Lhe house Lhey
occupled 1he man was Lalklng Lo hlm ln bullylng hlghflown Lerms
Summary 1hls ls Lhe sLory of Mang LsLong and hls famlly who was humlllaLed by Lhe drlver of
Lhe owner of Lhe land LhaL Lhelr house occupled 1haL ls Lhe reason why Mang LsLong uLLer bad
words agalnsL LhaL man because he could noL belleve aL flrsL lL could happened LhaL one man
could drlve anoLner from a shelLer AL noon Llme when Mang LsLong was falrly exhausLed afLer
eaLlng lunch he spread Larpaulln and slepL on Lhe ground Melkor Lasked by hls moLher Lo
conLlnue Lo work for Lhe roof Whlle worklng he felL Lhe burnlng of hls scalp and skln buL he
could sLand lL Several Llmes he hlL hls flnger by hammer Lhen he knows whaL hls faLher felL
When hls faLher sLood up and he already flnlsh Lhe roof Melkor uLLer Lhe same bad words
agalnsL Lhe drlver Pls faLher now feellng beLLer afLer slesLa sald lL ls alrlghL Lo be angry and Lo
haLe buL maybe lL ls beLLer Lo forglve" Melkor's moLher and hls slsLer vlcLa are now preparlng
Lo move Lhelr Lhlngs ln Lhe shack LlLLle by llLLle Lhey wlll add someLhlng Lo Lhe house 1hen
bulld a klLchen puL curLaln and planLs
,ost |nterest|ng part When Mang LsLong sLood up afLer hls slesLa and Melkor already
flnlshed Lhe roof Pe was very Llred and hls hands and skln are sored Melkor uLLer Lhe same
bad words LhaL Mang LsLong sald before "May Lhe llghLnlng hlL Lhem all May a hundred
Lhunders descend from Lhe heaven hlL Lhem whlle Lhey are danclng" 8uL Mang LsLong sald
LhaL lL ls alrlghL Lo be angry and haLe buL lL ls beLLer Lo forglve
Ia|ue acqu|red lL ls alrlghL Lo be angry and haLe 8uL lL ls beLLer Lo forglve lor lf you
forglve oLhers Lhelr Lrespasses your heavenly laLher wlll forglve you Loo" MaLL 314
a Utter g|ve aud|b|e express|on to say
b Drenched wet thorough|y
c Lv|cted expe|
d ,umb|ed speak |nart|cu|ate|y
e ockmarked a pusf|||ed erupt|on as |n sma|| pox
f Shack a rough cab|n
g Gnawed b|te or wear away w|th front teeth
h Lgo "I" the se|f
| Gnash|ng grate or gr|nd|ng the teeth
[ Iengefu| seek|ng revenge
k Shanty rough or f||msy hut or house
| 1hreatened utter or be a threat(aga|nst)

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