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knowlng abouL sLress sLraln hlsLory of concreLe we can predlcL abouL lLs behavlor Some facLs abouL
behavlor of concreLe ln unlaxlal compresslon
1 @he graph ls llnearly elasLlc Llll 30 of lLs peak compresslon value durlng Lhls Llme mlnlmum buL
sLable crack grow occurs(reglon A)
2 lLs sLress lncrease from 33 Lo33of peak value so sLlffness of maLerlal decreases LhaL resulLs ln
much larger crack lnlLlaLlon buL Lhe growLh ls sLlll sLable(reglon 8)
3 MaLerlal sLlffness decreases furLher due Lo producLlon of unsLable cracks on lncreaslng
loadlng(reglon C)
4 Loadlng up Lo 73 causes more sLraln ln Lhe concreLe lf we lncrease loadlng furLher so mulLlple
cracks lnlLlaLe and maLerlal falls (reglon u)
@o develop a model we can slmpllfy Lhls behavlor ln Lhree reglons AL flrsL concreLe behaves
elasLlcally when loadlng lncrease so cracks develop due Lo sLlffness reducLlon and furLher
lncrease ln loadlng wlll cause mulLlple cracks (reglon L)

rom Lhe unlaxlal Lenslle behavlor we can predlcL abouL lLs response when relnforced @he
behavlor of concreLe can be predlcLed ln Lenslon as ln lnlLlaLlon openlng and Lhen crack propagaLlon
lmporLanL characLerlsLlcs of concreLe are
1 @he response of concreLe ls llnear elasLlc up Lo Lenslle sLrengLh value small number of
sLable mlcro cracks are generaLed
2 Load capaclLy of concreLe decreases as furLher sLralns are lnduced and conLlnuous
cracks are generaLed lf loadlng ls furLher lncreased beyond Lenslle sLrengLh value
@he behavlor of concreLe can be explalned by conslderlng LhaL concreLe ls havlng a low Lenslle
sLrengLh due Lo whlch fallure occurs aL low Lenslle sLress as compared wlLh compresslve sLresses
SLlffness of concreLe ls reduced and ls Lhe ma[or reason for lLs non llnearlLy AnoLher facLor LhaL resulLs
ln fallure ls due Lo sLraln sofLenlng properLy of concreLe ln a Lenslle sLress fleld

@o descrlbe Lhe behavlor of concreLe under mulLl axlal sLresses we cannoL conslder compresslon
and Lenslon lndependenL of each oLher so sLrengLh of concreLe can be deLermlned by keeplng an eye on
all posslble sLress sLaLes aL a polnL
ConcreLe falls ln a brlLLle manner when Lhe maxlmum prlnclple sLress acqulres a value LhaL ls
equal Lo value found from unlaxlal Lenslle LesL lndependenLly wlLhouL applylng compresslon and shear
sLress Same ls Lhe case for compresslon le fracLure wlll occur when bl axlal compresslon exceeds unl
axlal compresslon LesL value


Several experlmenLs are Lo be performed on one specle and when daLa ln compresslon and
Lenslon ls avallable Lhen resulLs can be ploLLed uslng Lhelr prlnclple sLress values allure of maLerlal llke
concreLe wlll occur when of all Lhe clrcles Lhe largesL Mohr clrcle ls [usL LangenL Lo Lhe envelope So we
can say LhaL moderaLe sLresses have no lnfluence on fallure @he fallure envelop has Lhe formula
Sa+b(Lan 0)
SShear sLress capaclLy
8or comp+ve and for Lenslonve
@he lnLernal frlcLlon angle of graln Lhls angle ls low when gralns are smooLh and hlgh when
gralns re sharp


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