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Section A

Answer , parts of the question.

An,tomy ,nd Physioogy

Question 1
(, Fig 1 shows ,n ,thete putting , shot

(i Appy your ,n,tomic, ,nd physic, knowedge to compete the joint ,n,ysis t,-e -eow.

Joint type
Articu,ting -ones
Movement A-duction

Figure 2 shows , gymn,st hoding , crucifix position on the rings.

(ii Wh,t type of contr,ction is occurring in the shouder musces to hod
the position in fig 2?

(iii Wh,t movement is occurring in the shouder joint of the
performer in fig 2?

(iv Wh,t movement is occurring in the ,nke joint of the performer in fig

(i St,te Newton's 3 L,ws of Motion ,nd ,ppy them to , strength tr,ining exercise

(ii The musce fi-re type th,t woud -e used during , m,xim, strength contr,ction is f,st gycoytic
(type 11-.

Give one structur, ,nd one function, ch,r,cteristic of this musce fi-re

M,rk Scheme
Question 1
(, Fig 1 shows ,n ,thete putting , shot

(i Appy your ,n,tomic, ,nd physic, knowedge to compete the joint ,n,ysis t,-e -eow.

Joint type . Ball and socket
Articu,ting -ones 2. Scapula and Humerus
Movement A-duction
Agonist 3. Deltoid
Ant,goinist 4. Latissiumus Dorsi/ Pectoralis Major - Full anatomical name required

Figure 2 shows , gymn,st hoding , crucifix position on the rings.

(ii Wh,t type of contr,ction is occurring in the shouder musces to hod the position in fig 2?

(iii Wh,t movement is occurring in the shouder joint of the performer in fig 2?
. Abduction

(iv Wh,t movement is occurring in the ,nke joint of the performer in fig 2?

(iii Appy Newton's 3 L,ws of Motion to , strength tr,ining exercise
3 m,rks m,ximum (no ,ppic,tion no m,rks
(Law of nertia/Newtons' st Law) Weight/performer will not move unless force applied
2 (Law of Acceleration/ Newtons' 2nd Law) More force applied greater weight lifted/weight lifted more
quickly/athlete must apply force at end of lift to control weight/more weight lifted requires more force to be
3 (Law of Reaction/ Newtons' 3rd Law) Performer pushes against resistance/weight and force applied back
against performer

(ii The musce fi-re type th,t woud -e used during , m,xim, strength contr,ction is f,st gycoytic
(type 11-.

Give one structur, ,nd one function, ch,r,cteristic of this musce fi-re

Structur, ch,r,cteristic F,st gycoytic (type 11-
Size Large
2 Colour White
3 Glycogen Store Large
4 Sarcoplasmic reticulum development Great
5 Myelin sheath Thick
6 Myosin ATPase activity Fast
7 Motor neurone size Large

Fibres per motor neurone Many

9 Phosphocreatine store/ATP stores Large/high
Mitochondria Few
Capillaries Few
2 Myoglobin stores Low
Function, (1 m,rk su- m,ximum
Function, ch,r,cteristic F,st gycoytic (type 11-
3 Force production High
4 Relaxation time Fast
5 Contractile speed High
6 Fatigue resistant Low
7 Aerobic capacity Low
Anaerobic capacity High

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