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1- Flying fish is (A) Torpedo (B) Anguilla (C) Scoliodon (D) Exocoetus

2- Cartilaginous fishes do not contain (A) Fins (B) Opercula (C) Scales (D) Ventral mouth

3- Which is a catadromous fish (A) Hilsa (B) Mystus (C) Anguilla (D) Chana

4- Whch is a anadromous fish (A) Petromyzon (B) Hippocampus (C) Anabas (D) Exocoetus

5- Lateral line organs occur in (A) Fishes (B) Fishes & amphibian larvae (C) Cartilaginous fishes & amphibian larvae (D) Fishes and

larvae of other vertebrates 6- Which are primitive vertebrates? (A) Amphioxus & Herdmania (D) Petromyzon & Myxine 7- Teleost fish is differentiated externally from elasmobranch fish by (A) Endoskeleton (B) Exoskeleton (C) Operculum (D) Stream lined body (B) Doliolum & Scoliodon (C) Balanoglossus & Salpa

8- A vertebrate having entire cartilaginous skeleton is (A) Scoliodon (B) Labeo (C) Mystus (D) Catla

9- Poikilothermal animal is the one which has (A) Cold blood temperature 10- Living fossil is (A) Dog fish 11- True fish is (B) Flying fish (C) Dodo (D) Coelacanth/Latimeria (B) Low body temperature (C) Cold Habitat (D) No regulatory system of body

(A) Whale/Cuttle fish 12- Gambusia is (A) Parasitic fish yellow fever

(B)Silver fish

(C) Flying fish/Cat fish

(D) Cray fish/Jelly fish

(B) Pest of fishes

(C) Fish predator of mosquito larvae

(D) A mosquito spreading

13- Isinglass is obtained from (A) Air bladder of fishes 14- Age of fishes is (A) Mesozoic era 15- Placoid scales occur in (A) Toad (B) Cartilaginous fish (C) Tteleosts (D) Lizards (B) Carboniferous period (C) Silurian period (D) Devonian period (B) Scales of fishes (C) Liver of frog (D) Cartilage of shark

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